
Monday, July 18, 2005

Monday Monday

Sorry it's been so long, heaven knows where the hours go!!!!!

The kids and I had a stall at the bootsale on Sunday. A very hot day it was too. We all made some money and got rid of a load of stuff. I sold all my clothes from just after giving birth that are now too big for me. They were only Primark cheap and cheerfuls but they literally flew off the clothes rail. Jasmine made a lot of money and is itching to spend it on some new clothes. She's an expensive model to run that girl and only likes the surfer labels. I bought 3 baskets that are slanted for displaying, useful for when I sell my fabrics at craft fairs.

I got the programme through from Cowslip workshops today, my spiritual sewing retreat! I don't think I can go just yet, even though Lizzy is an easy baby I can imagine her deciding to have a feeding day on the day I book to sew. Ah well something to look forward to I guess. I'm just raring to go on some new sewing projects. I want to make new curtains throughout the house from silks and taffetas. I don't want florals everywhere, maybe just on the cushion covers and quilts, things that are easy to change. I am going to paint Lizzy's old room next, which will become the spare room. I feel very creative but I am frustrated with the lack of time I get.

My friend Amanda is coming to stay next week with her youngest son, Elliott, and the new addition to the family, Bunty, the chewy pup! Alf will be thrilled. I can't wait to see her, share a bottle of wine and catch up. I haven't seen her since Easter, she will be amazed at the change in Lizzy as she was only days old.

Our sparrow friend gets tamer every day. At lunchtime while Paul and I were having our soup (Pea and lettuce if you please), she flew in through the kitchen window and picked out bits from the bowl of scraps I had put there for the chickens. Here she is:

Bye for now :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, oh goody you're here too. How do you do that link thing?


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