
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Smelly Cake Day

Today I decided to try and get to grips with the housework seeing as the kids are going to be around for 6 weeks messing up the place. My day just seem to whizz by and all I seem to have done is put away some clothes, hoover, tidy Alf's playroom and try to make a cake for Alfie's school cake day tomorrow. The house still looks like a shit pit! The cake making was an unmittigated disaster. I have never been brilliant at cake making, I try not to bake too much or else I will just eat it all and be the size of a house, but when I was at school my greatest success in Home Economics was my swedish tea ring. It was legendary in my house, as I recreated it many times, so I thought it would be a foolproof recipe. I made the dough in the breadmaker but it was ready just as I had to go and pick up Alf from school. When we got back Alfie helped me to roll it out and spread the fruit mixture before rolling it up. We popped it into the Aga and that's where it all went horribly wrong. I just haven't got to grips with Aga bakery so the top cooked to a crisp while the centre was still moist. Alfie had so wanted to put the icing sugar on and I couldn't let him down so I got him to ice it. After tea he had a slice, well, he picked off the icing sugar and threw away the cake! It was quite disgusting. So what did I do? I ate loads of it. It was horrible but I still ate loads, WHY??!!!!!!!! I was so fed up with myself, I have been sooooo good. I can only think that it might have something to do with me coming on my period today (the first since I gave birth). I cannot be responsible for anything I say or do at that time of the month so I will forgive myself and get back on track.

I had harvested some lavender from my garden last week and it was dry enough today for me to crumble up and pack ready for my lavender bags at Christmas. The smell was so intense, it's one of my favourite smells. Together with the smell of the cake baking the kitchen smelt delicious. However a smell that I had been noticing all week in the pans cupboard turned out to be a decaying mouse. Ahhhhhh the joys of living in the countryside.

G'night X

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girlfriend, I would have eaten your cake too, i bet it was great.I'm ok today, will explain all in my journal later. kisses


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