
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Family Days Out

We have had such a busy week. I had several angels of mercy who called to take Alfie out for the day and on Tuesday he had 'boy day' with his dad who took him to the dinosaur park. This left Jazz, Lizzy and I to have 'girl day' but don't tell Alf! On Thursday we spent the day with my father, his wife and kids. We went on a day trip to Lynton and Lynmouth. It was a beautiful route with the most stunning scenery, absolutely breathtaking, and glorious weather to boot. We started the trip by going on a steam train ride which was very funny as they have only managed to rebuild 1/2 a mile of track, so just as we were settling down and enjoying the ride it was over! Then we drove to a place called the valley of the rocks which was a stunning place and looked very similar to the highlands of Scotland with big boulders, heather, gorse and wild mountain goats. We stopped at a place called Mother Meldrums for a cream tea (very North Devon!) before setting off again for Lynton and Lynmouth. When we got there I took the kids on the funicular railway. The views were amazing and you could see Wales across the water. It was a lovely day and I enjoyed spending time with my Dad and his family.

View to Lynmouth

Alfie being an Ninja on the train

Cream Tea

Funicular Railway

On Friday I took the children to Taunton to spend some time with Paul's family. Grandpa took the boys off while us girls had some retail therapy with Paul's mum, sister and her daughter. It was funny seeing Taunton after all these years. I grew up there moving away in 1988 to live in London with Paul. It has changed a lot since then. It is more sophisticated and affluent than it used to be. I kept looking at young people thinking I recognised them but then realised that old friends and aquaintances would be forty something like me!!!! I was pointing out all my old hangouts to Jasmine who thought it was all quite sad really. I guess it was, but we thought we were cool at the time, ho hum! Ooooh on the way there I got a message from my 1/2 sister who recently got in contact with me after 5 years and I asked her if she wanted to meet up with us as we were going to drive through her town. It was an emotional meeting. She is gorgeous, a tall, pencil slim, green-eyed, red haired, 16 year old beauty. She cried and was shaking as I hugged her. It was very brief as she still hasn't found the courage to tell her mum that she has been in touch. I can't wait to see her again.

1 comment:

  1. what fun you're having, missed your blogs though.....


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