
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

All at sea

My man's all at sea, no really he is. He has taken his staff on a fishing trip. He went early this morning and 30 minutes ago (at 8pm) phoned me to say he was still in the middle of the Atlantic somewhere off the coast of North Devon. Apparently the waves are very high and they are being tossed around a bit. Rather him than me, I HATE boats and am a complete landlubber. I felt sick just listening to him. They barbequed mackerel on the boat though and that sounded lovely. He's bringing fish home for supper, yum yum.

I'm feeling much better, thank you for all your lovely comments and concern. Poor Tats was on the phone as they were taking me out and she was very worried. I'm a tough old bag though, hehehe.

Went to Weight Watchers today, slunk in and didn't dare look at the scales as she weighed me after being on holiday, cream teas, fish and chips and cakes galore etc. When I sat down and looked at my card to my surprise I had lost 1.5lbs. Yippee. I celebrated by having a sticky bun at lunch and a chinese takeaway for me and the kids at tea time. I shall start being good again tomorrow now I have a new journal to write things down in although it is nice to see that I can still lose weight without having to be strictamondo. Breastfeeding is fab.

I treated myself to a red and white polka dot Cath Kidston towel for my kitchen from a little shop in town. I love her new catalogue and have been mentally writing my Christmas list whilst perusing her delicious pages. Sorry is it a little early to mentioning the 'C' word?


  1. Speaking of C word, is that Campbell I see in the photo of the lads? Glad you're well enough to shop, always a good sign darlin....

    Fishing Trip?

  2. Couldn't poss take a pic of me in it now, spat yoghurt all over it earlier! chic and moi don't go in the same sentence!


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