
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Clean up woman

Today I gave the bathroom a deep clean. I have vowed not to go back to ebay until I have worked my way through the house giving each room a thorough going over. I am pleased with the bathroom. I finally got Paul to put up the shelves and just need him to finish off the architrave and shell light. I mustn't be so impatient, it's only been 18 months!!!! I love our bathroom it's the only room we have created from scratch in this house as it was originally 2 grotty rooms. Check out my pink enamel jug from Lisa and beautiful carved soap from Tats (I could do with another if you ever see them honey)

While I cleaned Lizzie just hung around, hehehehe.


  1. What a gorgeous bathroom baby accessory!!! Do you know where I could get one? :-)

    I do so love your bathroom too though. I wish we had a pedestal tub, but no room for it. Very lush!!


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