
Friday, September 30, 2005

Rocket scientist

You can have some very strange and surreal conversations with 5 year old boys. Take for example the conversation I had this morning with my son.

Him: Can we get a space ship mum?
Me: No not really
Him: Oh please can we?
Me: You don't just 'get' a space ship
Him: We could make one
Me: I don't really know how
Him: We could buy one from the shop and you could read the constructions
Me: oh
Him: Please can we?
Him: Mum?
Him: Can we?

Now I am fully conversant with the constructions (his word and actually rather apt) for Power Rangers, Transformers and Bionicles but I think Nasa would have something to say about me building a space ship. Isn't it lovely though that he thinks that I could? Such faith.

I am fighting a losing battle with the solids. My 6 month old baby is just NOT interested. Sure she will humour me some days but mostly she just looks at me like I have just offered her poo on a plate. I have made the most delicious organic meals from scratch and still she turns up her little button nose. She isn't bothered, she will just wait until night time and then feed from me like there's no tomorrow. I wake feeling (literally) drained. Any tips?


  1. Sweet Alf.. So what's happening to the old lounge?

  2. That Lizzy is soooooo yummy :-)


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