
Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunday Sunday

I love sundays. I love sundays because boot sales are on and I LOVE boot sales. If I don't go to one for a few weeks I get very grumpy. I hate to think of all the lovely things I might be missing out on and, despite my fabric room being so full that I cannot even get into it, I am afraid that my fabric might run out. It makes me feel slightly uncomfortable when I see these life laundry style programmes on tv, (I watch them while ironing my fabric ready to photograph for ebay) they just wouldn't understand my thing at all. Anyway more fool them I say cos this week I got what may be my favourite find to date. I came home and asked P what would he think I would be most excited about finding at a boot sale but was unlikely ever to find it? His reply? ....................... Nick Caves underwear. Hmmmmm No, it's not that, not unless his little snakehipped bod was still in them. No silly I said, I got a Cath Kidston dressing gown and PJ's. At a bloody bootsale, in bloody Barnstaple, I never thought I would see the day, and here comes the best bit.............. How much? ...................................... 25p for each item, YES PLEASE!!!! I didn't act excited I had my bootsale straight face on but I nearly wet myself with excitement. Oh I know I'm sad and it doesn't take a lot to please me but those dressing gowns are £60 and the PJ's another £60. The lady selling them had clearly never heard of Cath. They have been washed and ironed and are hanging on the back of my door ready for bedtime.


  1. Result indeedy, get Hippo, hahaha, thinks we're crazy ladies... I love boot sales too and charity shops.....well you know that, remember our secret one we found?

  2. WTF flu as well poor you. I was going to ask about the parcel, glad it arrived. I went through the stuff and only put the good stuff in, some sweet stuff for sweet stuff, I am going to send a Tote for her bedroom soon. I have sold two at my higher price of Buy it now, loads of lookers and another bid. I am pleased and getting into the swing of making again. Did you see the Thelwell Tote? Yep two birthdays and only
    5 more days to go, A&B long gone that would be too much for a gal to handle....

  3. Thanks for message, I changed it, listed today whilst chatting duhhh. When ya gonna blog?

  4. Oh babes you know me, no shame! I don't care....... My bum was a little bigger but ok not too bad, it's great though, i wet myself laughing...


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