
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cake day again!

Tomorrow is cake day again as it is the last day of half term. As you all know I am not the worlds best cake maker or rather the Aga isn't!! This time though I have a fool-proof method. 2 packs of chocolate sponge mix and some butter icing and Bob's yer uncle. I do try to be a perfect mum, I do.

Half term hols next week. I have friends coming to stay. One the first part of the week and another the second part with P's birthday sandwiched in between. We have tickets for The Big Sheep Halloween party. We went last year and it was the best Halloween event I have ever been to. It's so nice for the kids to be able to do something fun as we can't trick or treat when we live in the middle of nowhere! Lizzy has her ladybird outfit, Alf will go as a skeleton and I will find some devil horns from somewhere no doubt. I'm only going for the mulled wine to be quite honest. Mmmmmmm I ADORE mulled wine I'm sure I have some stashed somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving that cakde even if it is from a packet :-)


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