
Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween


Phew what a week, half term was EXHAUSTING, but fun!

Had 12 people here by Sunday, the house was heaving with bodies, most of them small and male and as you can imagine from that scenario we had a lot of noise and mess.

Paul's birthday was fun, we all went out for an indian meal, yum yum. Poor Paul had to work on his birthday, he had no cover, and as it was half term it was busy busy busy. Still he is saving this week's takings to buy a big tv for the new living room.

The halloween party was a great success. The kids carved pumpkins in the day time and then took them for a lantern parade. We all dressed up (yes us mums too) and had a lovely spooky time. Alf went as 'Draclia' as he proudly announced to everyone. He had such a great time as half his class were there including his best friend. He won a prize for his pumpkin too. Lizzy went as Lizzy ladybug and received a lot of admiration which she lapped up in her usual cute way with lots of smiles and blowing of raspberries. She was delighted by all the activity, I thought the disco part would be too loud but she loved it. Jack was a pumpkin and Georgia a pink and pretty devil. All the kids had a great time. Us mums made up for it once we got home by drinking wine and cackling until the small hours.

Amanda's husband, Matt turned up the next day and it was sooo lovely to see him. The last time he was down here was New Year's Eve and I was still pregnant so it was nice to introduce him to the third member of our family. I cooked a massive chilli for everyone followed by two apple crumbles then we had a birthday cake for Georgia who is 7 next week. I tell you, I have eaten (and drunk) so much these past few days that I am going to have to starve myself until Christmas. Paul and Matt went out and us girls stayed in and cackled some more, helped by the ever-flowing vino. When the boys came back they had a noisy game of Subbuteo. Paul was beside himself with excitement as he keeps nagging us to play and no-one wants to so to have a willing and able partner was a novelty.

Yesterday was blue and sunny and so warm that we all piled off to the beach. Paul had a paintball game so he couldn't come but we took the kids and they had a great messy wet time. We carried them back to the cars half naked, wet and sandy but happy. Amanda's two big boys arrived from visiting their father (her ex-husband) in Cornwall and they immediately threw themselves into organising a great game in the garden. After a huge lunch everyone finally left and I collapsed on the sofa with my baby and snoozed. I am so grateful for that extra hour we were given this week end. I needed it I can tell you.

I am off to tackle my ironing pile a girl can have too much of a good thing and now it's back to reality.


  1. Lovely photos, is that Amanda with you in the first? Are you alone now? Looks like you all had fun :)
    The kids looked great.
    Happy Halloween...

  2. Yes I remember Amanda I just wasn't sure if it was her in the first photo or not.

  3. Wow!!! Sounds like you had a great time!!! The kids look great. You're ladybug looks adorable.


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