
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rainy day

Rain, rain and yet more rain! Seems like the summer might finally be over, poo. I was going to go out and shop but I think I will stay home today and do indoor jobs. The rain plays havoc with my new hairdo!

Paul is off to Wigan at the weekend. He has a conference there and is hoping to meet up with his mad mod friend. I think they are under the impression that the Wigan Casino is still going. I even caught him searching for mod clothes on ebay. What is he like? If this continues I might be getting those black leggings, hell I may even go the whole Spandau and get myself a blouse, cumberbund and pantaloons.

I bought a lovely vintage wooden playpen at the bootsale and have covered the base in Cath Kidston strawberry oilcloth for my little pumpkin to play in. She loves rolling round in it.

1 comment:

  1. I've got an old tablecloth you can swing around your shoulders to complete the look! hahaha......

    Love that play pen covereing, she is adorable Dons...


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