
Friday, October 14, 2005

The Weekend Starts Here

Morning bloggers, I trust you are all well and healthy? Well I am sitting in my Cath Kidston spotty dressing gown (no PJ's this time it's too hot). J has just left for school, A eating breakfast before going to his and baby still asleep in bed. P is off for the weekend so by midday I will have the house to myself (except for baby but she doesn't count as she hasn't learned how to nag yet). Once P is out of the way I am going to spend the weekend doing something very exciting. Can't say yet in case he reads this and gets wind of it but all will be revealed my bloggies just be patient.

Went to my father's house yesterday as it was my little half-brother's 2nd birthday. I love my little bro, he's cute.

Right I'm off. Catch you later xxxx


  1. Does it involve lot's of money? Tell us tell us tell us...... So your dad's still an old fart, so's mine whilst I just like a nice old fart now and then, you too it seems....

  2. That's an adorable pic. i just don;t understand people who think 'quiet' kids are normal.

    I hope I allow my kids to be loud and playful when i eventually have them. Isn't that what being a kid is all about?

  3. Yes been thinking about that. Can you tell us now about your exciting weekend, we're waiting with baited breath.....


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