
Friday, November 25, 2005

No more snow

Well the snow caused the usual chaos, schools closed, buses not running, accidents on the road etc but now it has stopped and all but thawed. Still it was fun while it lasted (the snow that is, not the chaos). Alfie loved it and said it was a gift from God and Father Christmas, hahahaha. Don't know where he gets his religious bent from!

Went to Exeter yesterday for a bit of retail. Got some nice Xmas goodies as well as a pretty tweed skirt and angora cardi for me. Well a girl has to keep warm somehow. Plus I was rewarding myself for being a good girl and losing 4lb last week. That means I have lost the 3.5lb I put on eating cakes (and the rest!) with my girlfriends plus another .5lb. I am bang on target now and will be able to fill my face with mince pies and christmas pudding come Christmas Day. We bought our Pud yesterday from the Carved Angel restaurant. I started buying this pudding at the Country Living Christmas Fair some years back and it is the most delicious thing ever. I have always said that I would not make a homemade one until I can better their recipe and, as I have far too much to do as it is, buying one just takes the pressure off. I do make homemade mince pies, truffles and Christmas Morning Muffins (courtesy of the delectable Nigella), which have now become legendary in our household. I must be careful still as I am coming round to Paul's idea of some winter sun. He suggested going away after Christmas and, as they fly from Exeter to the Canaries, I am sorely tempted, especially today. So bikini in January means control over Xmas, hmmmmmm :-/

My man is back in a minute. He has been in the woods all day, with his chainsaw, in the snow, so I am off to make a big chilli and jacket potatoes to warm him up. Ciao for now

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