
Monday, November 21, 2005

Sweet Dreams are made of this

I've had such a busy week, I just don't know where my time goes. Let me update you:

On Tuesday I went back to Weight Watchers with my friend Lisa. She wanted to start going as she has a foot injury which is stopping her from running. She was worried that if she is unable to run (which she does on a daily basis) then she will start to put on weight. So I snuck back, gold card in hand, after 2 months of not going, and found that I have only put on 3.5lbs. Much better than I thought and considering the fun, and not to mention cakes, I have had, it was not a bad result. So I'm back to being good for now and have a goal of losing 1/2 a stone by Christmas.

On Wednesday Lisa had a stall in a craft fair about 15 miles from here so I went to support her and see if I could pick up any nice Xmas pressies. Firstly the link road between here and there was closed due to a road traffic accident so it took forever to get there. When I did finally arrive I found the venue to be in a lovely old Victorian building but up a great flight of stairs. I managed to get someone to help me up with the pushchair but that's where the nightmare began. It was full of elderly well-to-do ladies wot lunch and they were far from baby friendly. The venue was packed and crowded and most people looked at me like I had just pooed on the floor. I heard mutterings of 'shouldn't let pushchairs in here' so after one torturous round I left having bought some pretty hand-made jewellery from Lisa that I could have bought direct and saved myself the diesel and hassle! Hey ho. Oh but all was not lost. In the local recycling centre I did find this rather lovely flour shaker (first on left) to go with my collection of containers with writing on (I like them too Trac).

On Thursday I went to Lytton and Lily's Xmas party and bought some more pretty decorations and little Xmas gifts. I can't wait to decorate now.

On Friday we went to Barnstaple to watch Father Christmas arrive in his sleigh pulled by REAL reindeer! Lisa came along with Holly. She and Alfie got to stroke the reindeer and were delighted. I have never seen real reindeer before and loved their gentle faces and fluffy horns. The Father Christmas was crap. He had dark black rimmed specs on and a rubbish fake beard. Luckily the children didn't seem to notice but last year he was so much better and came complete with his own beard.

Saturday I decided to take a day off from housework and make some bags which I am making for Christmas presents. Each one is individual, there will be no two alike and they are embellished with hand embroidery, buttons, beads and corsages. I have made them from velvet, tweed and wool with pretty cotton linings. Well It didn't go according to plan! I had 2 children to entertain/feed/look after and my pattern (which I am making up as I go along) just wouldn't come right. I must have unpicked one bag about 8 times before I finally gave up and put in a tearful telephone call to my mum. Talking to her always makes me feel better and after taking a break from the aforementioned bag (which almost got put in the bin) I finally got it finished. I have now got a new pattern idea and will attempt a few more later this week.

The weather here has been glorious. Sure it's cold but the sunshine is so beautiful and the sunsets just out of this world. I drove home last night watching the changing sky and thought how lucky I was to live here. I adore Devon. There was just one big twinkling star visible way up in the sky. Alfie asked me what it was called and I said I didn't know but I remember a little poem that I used to say when I saw the first star of the night it went:

Star light
Star bright
You're the first star I see tonight
Make my dreams come true

Alfie loved it and repeated it all the way home. One of his dreams did come true, he got to dance round the kitchen on Daddy's feet while he cooked dinner!

Sweet dreams :-)


  1. looking very hot in that picture donna! :)

    I always said it "star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, grant this wish I wish tonight." Maybe it was a states thing? :)

  2. Gorgeous Bags, and what lovely handbags you made too ;-0
    Yeah I know my link didn't work but now it does, I couldn't be bothered to change it....
    What fun you've had, weathers great here too, walking around in just a jumper, it's sunny and glorious....

  3. Fantastic lovely gorgeous bags! And a covetous ceramic collection...

    Stay warm - freezing fog has descended over West Oxfordshire. Nasty to drive in - but very pretty.

  4. Yes those bags are fab ! I'm sure the person who receives them will be thrilled .

  5. How adorable!!!

    You're bags look great, I wish I had that kind of talent.

    Good for you on the WW. That's amazing that you've done so well after a few months.

    Glad you're having a good time!! Happy Holidays!!

  6. I adooooore those bags. Where could I find a pattern to make something like that. I've got loads of velvet lying around.


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