
Thursday, December 01, 2005

24 days

Yes folks it's the advent countdown. Oooooooh I love Christmas!

I went to Exeter with Paul yesterday, Christmas shopping, and survived! My friend Amanda phoned me when we were en route and was amazed that we were shopping together. We just don't do that! I love shopping and he hates it. He usually just buys a whole load of stuff as quickly as possible so that he can go home whereas I have to find just the right gifts for everyone which may take hours of scouring all the right shops. We went first to This shop to look for a cocktail bar as Paul is determined to get one for our new living room. We got a few kitsch gifts from here and looked at his stock of bars before deciding on one. Then lunch. Then more shopping before wending our way home. Paul was actually very well behaved and we didn't fall out but he did (rather cleverly) manage to slip off for a quick pint under the pretext of putting more money in the parking meter. I wasn't too bothered as it gave me time to slip into Hennes to see if there were any more clothes that I hadn't spotted the week before! So he's off to get a bar today and we will have our Christmas drinks party round it no doubt. You're all invited of course.

It makes my heart feel glad when you go to the end of our lane and see views like this

What a beautiful morning. You can see all the way to Lundy Island as clear as anything.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I'm into Monsieurs me not Madames if you know what I mean, although the last two ladeees were a bit gorgeous :-)
    Lovely view :-)


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