
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Another day

Where do the days go I wonder? I can't believe that it has been 5 days since my last blog. I just don't seem to get time to myself anymore. I wish I could blog every day, I have so much going on that I think I would like to share with you but I just don't get to sit down at the computer to write about it then it's gone, old news, and I forget. As I sit here now I am typing with one finger with a baby attached to my left breast! Ah well at least I get 5 minutes or so to read everyone elses.

Had a great supper at Lisa's. She makes the most exquisite curry, her flavours are really delicate. There were 2 other couples there who are also friends of ours. After supper Paul did a pop quiz that he had picked up earlier in the day. It was very funny as the other couples are quite a bit older than Lisa, her partner Conrad, Paul and I but they did get a good few answers. We all sat and admired her newly decorated living room warming ourselves by the wood burner before stepping out into the wintery night to wend our merry way home.

The Lets fair was lovely. I made cards and truffles and they all went. I came home with 2 hand made scarves, some willow wands, home made pot pourri, a little felt handbag, handmade cards, handmade soaps and bath bombs, 5 cassettes for the car, a PS2 game, a hand made glove puppet, a beautifully carved and painted clothes rail, loads of paperbacks and a brand new (never been used) ice cream maker. A fair exchange I'm sure you would agree. I made over 200 talents and spent far fewer. We had a gorgeous and wholesome lunch with mulled wine and mince pies to follow and I caught up with people I hadn't seen in a while. All in all a lovely day and a great start to the Christmas festivities.

Went shopping with Paul again today (that's twice in one month!!!). He is insisting on being involved this year which is what I have always wanted but now he is doing it, it's scary! He wanted me to get out all the presents I have got so far and to make a list of who we are buying for and who we need to buy for and then write down what we have bought. He said we need to do this otherwise we aren't organised. Well I have been the one who does all the Xmas shopping for everyone (except myself which I leave to him!) for the past 18 years BUT obviously I don't know how to do it. I don't do lists. I have a list that exists in my head and bags of stuff that gets crammed into a wardrobe and I manage to do ok or have done up until now. Maybe I'll let him do it all next year seeing as he's now an expert ;-) We are making great progress though and I think I might well have tamed him after all this time. He seems to be scrubbing up quite well as a family man these days, apart from the odd Oxford Bag episode of course.

Check out the gorgeous advent calendar that I got from This lovely lady.

And finally, here's a photo of that boob suckling baby looking cute just, well, just because .............


  1. She is soooo yummy, I can't think who she looks like, who does she look like? Those chocs are driving me wild I feel inspired to make some, maybe i will and follow our recipe.
    Guy sent your parcel. All your pressies are in black, Lizzys is the pink I think. Alfs and Pauls will follow as it was sent to the UK and Guy didn't go back when he was met to so he'll post in the next few days and you have Jazz's, did you receive card and cheque?

  2. Awwwwwwww. Glad you're having a good time! you're making me salivate just thinking of good curry!!

    Stop blogging about food!!! LOL :-)

  3. How very nice of you to link to my advent calendar! I'll have to keep it up now- seeing as there is quite an audience growing. :o)


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