
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fluffy Tails

With many thanks to Saff, my lovely sister and fellow cat lover who sent me this great link. Here for all you cat lovers out there (Onyx, Hippo et al) is a little something. Fluffy Tails Christmas


  1. That's adorable!! What a great concept!!

  2. donna - i just woke up and as soon as i checked your site i vaguely remember having a dream about you! Isn't that funny?? Who knows what it was about...all I now is that you were there! :D lol

  3. That's an hilarious site! The before and after picture is the best- reminds me why I don't have a cat in our one bedroom flat even though I REALLY want one. (enough paintings have been ruined by paws dancing across the paper and knocking over water jars).


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