
Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm done

Ok, it's twenty past midnight, officially Christmas Eve and I'm done! Presents bought and wrapped, check, Xmas food bought, check, all cards sent, check now all I have to do is let it happen, bring it on, I'm ready!!! So why is it that, as I'm the one who has done all the work, the babies are tired and emotional? Alfie is bouncing off the walls, prone to crying for no apparent reason and is tired. I guess it's all too much for the little ones.

I am very happy with my choice of presents for Paul this year. I think I might have got it right for once. He is so hard to please. If I ask him what he wants he says silly things like 'my hair back' but as soon as Christmas is over he has a list of things he would have liked!!! We were going to buy nothing for each other this year and just focus on the kids but that hasn't happened. I know he has been out with Jazz on a shopping trip, he has been spotted in my favourite shops, I have spies everywhere, hehehe ;-)

Now I'm a 'chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose' kinda gal. I have no desire to be somewhere hot on Christmas Day (New Year yes, but not Xmas) but it is soooo mild at the moment. I have had to abandon my coat and scarf and went out in just a long sleeved T shirt today. No idea what the temperature was as I don't have my own weather pixie (haven't figured that one out) but it was warm for the end of December. What happened to that hard winter we were supposed to be having?

So tomorrow all I have to do is prepare the Christmas Morning muffins, defrost my homemade mince pies and start drinking the mulled wine. Happy Christmas everyone, hope it's a good one for you. See you in 2006 xxxxx

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