
Monday, January 23, 2006

Mouse watch update

Well I have completely cleared the pantry. I found 1 more mouse that was nesting behind the herb and spice cupboard and I got Paul to remove it for me. Once I emptied the pantry I decided it would be nice to strip away the old revolting fake tile wallpaper that we inherited so I started pulling strips off. Of course it was horrible underneath so now we have James, a chap who usually works for Paul at the laser site, decorating my pantry. He's in there sanding as I type this. Good old Monty!


  1. Can't wait to see the new look pantry

  2. Just seen all your photos, I love the last one of Lizzy and Alf, Alfs hair looks great ...

  3. see, all these things happen for a reason :)

    good old monty heheheheh.

  4. So every mouse has a silver lining! ;)

  5. That pantry is bigger than my whole kitchen, your so lucky !

  6. THIS is your pantry?! I can't read your site anymore, I'm so envious!! lol

    Looks great though!! A blank canvas for sure. How exciting!!

  7. wow, you've been busy! i can't wait to see what it's like when you've finished.

    just get a load of jars and tupperware (or is that a dirty word? lol) to keep those naughty mice out of your chocolate. bloody cheek!


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