
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My new relationship

I have started a relationship with this man who promises he can make me thin by allowing me to eat what I want when I want to eat it. I have read the book and downloaded his cd onto my ipod so I can listen to it every day. I believe him. Watch this space!

Just to add to the previous post and to correct those who think that I am thin! I have a huge muffin top which spreads over my waistband and I recently read an article that talked of carrot tops!! This is when you wear your skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror, instead of seeing two slim thighs I was confronted with 2 carrot tops eeeeeek!

I am trying this method of weight loss because since the birth of Alfie nearly 6 years ago I am either being very good (ie dieting) or being very bad (Scoffing) with nothing in between. I am so fed up of not eating like a normal person. Weight Watchers was great for getting me to target weight after having Lizzy but I need to maintain my weight which is what I find hard. I need to learn new habits which are more about eating positively rather than denying myself foods that I love. Mr McKenna, who teaches us to observe 4 golden rules:

1 Eat only when you are hungry.
2 Eat what you want to eat NOT what you think you should have.
3 Eat consciously, taste every mouthful.
4 Stop when you are full.

This is combined with a cd which you listen to every day to reinforce what you have read. I am a great believer in the power of the mind and that my bad eating habits can be 'unlearned'.

I am on day 3 and so far so good. Usually I spend most evenings picking, constantly in and out of the fridge and eating at least 2 chocolate bars a day. For the past 3 days there has been no desire to do this. I have eaten exactly what everyone else has, not diet food, and have left food on my plate. I want to get rid of the muffin top and definitely want to say adios to the carrot tops. Wish me luck :-)


  1. Yeah, let us know. I'm having a horrendous time right now. But it's probably just stress. Ugh!!

    Is the key just stop eating when you feel full?

  2. Try getting a bag of brazil nuts from Holland and Barratt - eating about 4-5 instead of that chocolate bar - and has valuable stuff in - like selenium, which could help boost your low moods. I've found a big difference in my 'down' days, since regulalry eating nuts and dried fruit. It sounds sooo worthy, I know...

  3. Good luck, since our phone call i've been stuffing my little face, wait until you see my muffin top girl :-) oh missus..... are you feeling better?

  4. Eat only when you are hungry - This would never work as a diet for me, I'm always hungry.

  5. good luck!

    i have a whole tray of muffins on my top, including what must be prize-winning sized carrots! lol.

    i have, however, lost 3 lbs this week *beams*. that probably accounts for the cadbury's creme eggs i ate in england hahahah.

  6. hahaha just reading all your comments. Trac so doesn't have carrot tops or muffin tops. Don't worry I'll be there soon and you'll look thin next to me!

  7. Ohh loving that new blog name :-)

  8. How can something so normally healthy (muffins and carrots) be so bad? lol

    Yeah, I definately have both of those. Isn't it funny how we fixate on these things?

    Glad the new outlook is working. Keep us posted!!


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