
Monday, February 13, 2006

My word cloud

I love the way this has come out. All my favourites are in there :-)


  1. yeah, it's lovely. All the words we love and use the most are there like pantry and MOUSE!!! EEEEK! but apart from that....

    Hows the hypnotism/mind stuff going with Paul?

  2. Love the word cloud sweetie and the name decoder is soooo apt! hahaha

  3. Yes but look how small Tat is Hmmmmm! sweet isn't it?

  4. that would make a nice tea-towel.

    how did you do that? photoshop?

  5. hahaha just seen the huge MOUSE and pantry!!!!

  6. Hi Donna,

    I have only just started my blog, so I will also read yours regularly now! Wendy.

  7. That's cool!!! How'd you put that together??

    I don't know if your interested, but I'm starting sort of a weight loss blog. Bluebert and I are doing Weight Watchers and I thought maybe it would be cool to have more entries from others doing different methods of weight loss.

    Anyway, if you're interested email me. onyxpurr at yahoo dot com

  8. Me excited too, excited about your new venture for you also, we can chat all about it long into the night, ok evening hahaha..... don't be scared or nervous, if there's one thing I've learnt from coming here is you don't know if you don't try! Go for it, give it your all and wait and see... Look at me, speaking french, starting a society here! living and functioning here!!!!


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