
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Pantry update

Remember this?

Well, thanks to Paul's hard work, it now looks like this

We are so proud of it we have even bought a new sign for the door (in case the mice get lost!)

But we are out of wine (Tatty please note) and many other supplies so I need to go shopping before my guests arrive.


  1. Ohh it looks fab Dons, it's huge! wine huh, and we can go shopping together if you want :-) will phone tomorrow

  2. wow, that pantry is fantastic - i could just live there and in your fabric room! What other fab rooms are in your house? I might have to have some country house decor advice if we get this house Dons? For example, what sort of sofa does one have in a country pad? Although, your house is GRAND and GORGEOUS.

  3. Wow Dons, that is really really nice. If you weren't so damned nice I think I would be very jealous! Your pantry is bigger than my kitchen! I love the scales you have - really nice. You are also lucky to have a Greengate selling shop near you. Maybe one day if I ever finally manage to move down your way I shall have to make sure it is near that shop!


  4. Yes that pantry is bigger than my kitchen too. It looks like one of those old fashioned grocery shops, you are lucky.

    The wine situtation is a bit desperate though !

  5. Thanx for comments - yes, discussing anything "at length" would be great, tho' unlikely. It's more like "in short bursts" in between children's stream of thought conversations - hahaha - ~(:o})=

  6. Great pantry. I grew up in 2 houses with walk in pantries (tho not as big as yours) (not as chic either) - makes me feel quite nostalgic!

  7. Wow! So beautiful!

  8. I've got pantry envy to add to fabric room could get our teenytiny cottage twice into that momma! It's lovely and I spotted the Cornishware bowls fo course!

    You do want to do something about that winerack though! ;)

  9. Thats a fabalous pantry. I grew up in a house with smaller, more cluttered, dark pantry, took ages to get used to cuboards that you can't even see the back of. I love the scales. I have some old balance scales which I love and hate it when people suggest a digital set.

  10. Very nice. Definately time to stock up!!!


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