
Wednesday, April 26, 2006


My favourite breakfast is home made muesli, chopped fruit (apple, banana or, if I am feeling decadent, strawberries) and ice cold soya milk and a cup of tea. How do you start your day?


  1. I find my glasses, visit the toilet and put then put expresso machine on...

    There is no way I can face the day without a coffee first thing.

  2. A pot of tea...couldn't start the day without it. If I'm not feeling sick, (Don't like breakfast first thing )toast and marmite. Very British and boring...

  3. A cuppa in bed, every morning :-)

  4. I really like Special K with a box of kiddy raisins on the top. A bit like your breakfast really..

    However, the best breakfast has to be...a fry up with a big pot of tea. Yummy!

  5. Very strong coffee and yoghurt (not in the coffee, separately).

    Looks all right that muesli stuff but I'm not really up to chewing that early in the morning.

    Thanks for your comments. I thought I had deleted it but I hadn't and now I can't decide whether to or not. But whatever, your children are lucky to have you, unconditional love is worth it's weight in gold.

    I should be working.

  6. a cup of coffee and a bowl of porridge, topped with a teaspoon of golden syrup for me.

    i'm soooooooo hungover today :/

  7. Oh Roxy Roxy Roxy, 'why do I do it?'!

    Le Chat - I know what you mean about the chewing sometimes I'm not up for it either but most days I don't have breakfast until all the kids have gone to school and I have checked my emails so my mouth has usually woken up by then.

    Betty - Yes I love a fry up but I couldn't do it every morning although my man nearly always does.

    Tat - a cup of tea in bed, mmmm and then I woke up!!!

    PG - Toast and marmite, yummy, with slices of tomato or cucumber on top :-)

    I never have coffee at home. I have a cappucino if I am out shopping but at home I only drink tea.

  8. A long, slowwwww bath - with no interruptions - mmmmm

    Oh, I've just noticed that you've updated your current music and reading Dons - you're so clever xx


  9. OHHH GOW I'd swap my muesli for your bath any day!!

  10. hee hee -I don't think sitting in muesli would quite do it for me

  11. GOOD HOT cup of tea before anything - then I'm not too fussed. Lots of grapefruit at the moment. Did you see that bit in Green Wing with the 3 women eating grapefruit in the morning, wincing and squinting? Ha ha. Thats not me, I love it, no sugar.

    I also love a full english breakfast just now and then.

  12. A walk in the woods with my fat chocolate lab, then home for "mewslip" with fruit and pumpkin seeds, lots of strong coffee, than I can start work, or not as the case may be. I have been known to clean the house (shock horror) to put off working, and it isnt as if I have a horrible job!
    Love the dotty table cloth.

  13. Just flicked down and saw the gorgeous photo of Jazz, she is sooo beautiful tell her from moi... oh you too... oh and Guys supposed to be crediting your account soon i keep telling him..

  14. talking of cucumber, it actually gives me heartburn now! weird eh?

  15. IT has to be strong filter coffee for me in a French style cup. It's not the same in a mug. And it has to be VERY strong.

    I love muesli but I can't put fruit on it. I just can't eat fruit for breakfast. My healthy, slim sister only every has fruit for breakfast, always has. It's a habit I suppose.

  16. I'm terrible, I run on only coffee for the first few hours.


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