
Saturday, April 01, 2006 - Glitter Graphics

My Little Sister. Miss you sweetie xxxxx


  1. Me too... don't understand where you went!

  2. thank you for my birthday wishes!! :)

    it's 9am here, though really it should be 8am - our clocks changed last night, so i am a bit groggy. the sun's out though, which is bouncing off the snow, so everything is really bright... i can't sleep anymore. the hubby is upstairs with a pillow over his face though. he has about an hour before i kick his arse out of bed heheheh. now i'm off for an early morning swim. can you tell i'm getting old? lol.

    then it's into town for some drinks - woohoo!! :D

    love you!

    - s

  3. p.s. haven't opened any pressies yet.

  4. Awww - those photos are lovely, Dons :o} What a little cutie.
    I love that Woodstock headband she wore.
    I've just phoned to wish her a happy birthday and she's gone out swimming! Damn!

  5. I miss my sister too. Sisters are the best, ever...

  6. Yes, sisters are great.

    Its actually a tree just down the road on the way to school - the neighbours think I'm a bit odd taking pics of it every couple of days!

    I do have a small magnolia stellata in the garden - just a baby one. The white starry flowered ones (which I prefer i think) (Maybe I'll post a pic. of that too, nearly flowering)

  7. Would we recognise her now from these photos? She is so cute.

  8. i think that all would be recognised of me now is my paddington bear stare ;)

    ...and perhaps the naughty face.

  9. Wendy, that "hip 70s man" is her father! She didn't really drink any of that light ale. She had demanded a drink of it so he let her have a taste - that was enough for her. hahahaha
    Yes, le chat, she's still cute.
    Ooops, Dons, I'm answering your comments for you! So sorry.

  10. Tho' she tends not to show off her knickers in public now

  11. She's still on the bottle though although she tends to drink something more sophisticated than Pale Ale hehehe

  12. oi, who's this 'she' you talk of?! heheheh >:|



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