
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Whilst waiting for Lilyandagathe to open I wandered off to the charity shop where I picked up this little cutie for the grand sum of 59p. I have wanted a Kewpie doll for ages. Lizzy loves it and keeps kissing her.


  1. 59p - that's so unfair! They cost loads on E-Bay!

  2. Anthony's handy cut out and keep guide to James Chance: arriving in mid 70s New York, J.C quickly established himself as one of the main figures in the emergent No Wave scene, bringing together such disparate elements as the free jazz of Ornette Coleman, the funk of James Brown and the energy and drive of punk.
    His genius was to replace the generally positive, life-affirming lyrical stance of funk and disco with a nihilistic, misanthropic but very funny world view, backed up by a squealing, atonal sax sound. His music usually provokes a love it or hate it response - I've never met anyone else who can actually listen to it for long.
    He has been ripped off by everyone from Talking Heads to The Rapture and Franz Ferdinand.
    He has recorded as James Chance & the Contortions, James White & the Blacks/Flaming Demonics.
    The most complimentary thing an ex-band member could say about him was that he was vile-tempered and dictatorial, and bilious beyond his years.
    Go on, go out and get some of his CDs ... he probably needs the money. From Anthony via Betty Cress

  3. That doll is fab, so great to speak to you today and beware I can get all emotional because yet again I am drunk! Had a few hiccups with the site, stressed out because the shipping was way too high but it's ok now, so try again and I think it will be ok, it seems to work when i try to buy something....

    Tatty x

  4. Here's Betty with her pic!

  5. Love the pic .... that Kewpie is the cutest thing :o}

  6. I think your baby is much cuter.

    How are you getting on with the weaning anyway? Is weaning the right word? I'm not good on baby terms in English.

  7. Oh I get such a rush from bargains from charity shops, if only because they are so few and far betwen nowadays. This is a bargain and a half!
    (I'd been worried about your blog, thanks for letting my know the change of address!)

    :) G

  8. Hi Dons, I don't understand! last night I bought two things just to check it out and today Trac bought two 4 things.... I don't understand why you are having problems and why bibs can't even see it!!!! strange.... if she goes to a link via a blog can she see it??

  9. PS nothings happened to my blog!!! strange again, is your puter feeling well?

  10. Do you like your hair? did you get my launch e-mail?is there anyone you would like me to send one to, you can e-mail me the address's... it only seems to work when i do it from outlook..

  11. hi dons. Am I the only one who can't see the appeal of the Kewpie doll? Ewwww, more like pukie doll! Dolls give me the creeps I'm afraid, like clowns.

    But, on the other hand, a bargain for 59p if they are collectible? Who collects them? Ventriloquist puppets gone awol?

  12. Me too! But I don't have one yet.


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