
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Fabric Swap

Now I have my own craft blog I have been reading some gorgeous crafty blogs with interest. One thing that has appealed to me is the swapping element of these blogs. I think it is a wonderful idea to buddy up with someone and swap things of mutual interest. Now I have a HUGE fabric collection but, as every fabricaholic will tell you, you can never have enough fabric. When you get to a project and you are looking for pink floral fabric it has to be the RIGHT pink. Never mind that you have 250 different pink florals if it isn't the RIGHT pink you just don't have enough fabric! Sooooooooooo daaaahhhhhhhlings I propose a fabric swap. I know a lot of people read this blog without commenting (I hate the term lurkers, it's not nice) so those of you who read but prefer to stay in the background it might be a good time to let yourself be known, stand and be counted. I have a vast range of fabrics from all eras and I would love to swapsy with you. I did this before with an ebay trader that I bought from. We each sent each other a huge bundle of vntage fabrics. It was so exciting, I had no idea what I was going to receive, we agreed only on the weight of the parcel for a fair exchange. I loved my parcel and she was thrilled with hers and the best part of it was, no money changed hands, perfect! So if you are interested, let me know, leave a comment or email me on


  1. Oh It was lovely speaking to you too honey...Sounds like a great idea you have, I bet you get some wonderful fabs throught the door.

  2. Hi Dons.

    I was speaking to my friend Nicola today who tells me that her sister in Sussex makes fantastic dolls clothes from vintage fabric that she collects. She also told me that she has loads of fabric that she hasn't used. Unfortunately, Nic's sister is a manic depressive and finds it hard to motivate herself. I told Nic about you and that you (or Tat) might be interested in selling her fabrics (or dolls clothes - and antique dolls too!)

    Nic suggested that next time she goes down there, I come down too. Apparently she has a room like yours FULL of fabric that she's collected over the years! (I just know how excited you are feeling!) Could be an opportunity. Can I give Nic your website address?

  3. Oh dear, I'm so sorry, I missed saying happy birthday to your lovely son yesterday.

    Dr Dons, definitely. All dons are Doctors, I think.

    I am not into fabrics though.

  4. What a great idea! I couldn't participate, as I must NOT acquire any more textiles STUFF, I'm trying to use what i have not acquire MORE. But I'll happily send you any bits and bobs I'm clearing out if you like!!!

  5. Hi Dons,
    found this, any good?

    Love ya xxxxx

  6. One day when I've unpacked my poor textile collection from its boxes and managed to get sewing again, I'll be in the meantime I am salivating over your window drawers...

  7. Fab plan, all my fabrics are in tiny tiny bits, I have a habit of keeping the meerist scrap, yours look so organised, and I agree with PG...I lurrve your drawers!!!!
    Happy Birthday to mister 6 years old.

  8. That top photo! Such amazing storage, love the little oval windows.

  9. I am so not a lurker...

    however do need some sort of cure for my fabric...button addiction...



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