
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I mean business!

I have just come back from a business induction course with the North Devon Enterprise Agency. I am about to start a proper grown-up business with my fabric selling. It's all very scary and exciting and I can't wait to get it all started properly. I will be selling my vintage fabrics on my own dedicated website rather than just ebay. I am thinking of using the name Country House Antique Textiles using a country house (probably mine) as a logo. What do you think? I am open to ideas, suggestions etc. I need a website designer, a good artist and any other help from anyone in business themselves. After 16 years at home with my children I am about to embark on something resembling paid work!! I will still be at home with the children as matter of fact, Lizzy is still only tiny, but I will be able to grow the business as my babies grow. Wish me luck.


  1. my sister is a web designer (for full blown, business sites). :o)

  2. Wow! Congratulations! Thought you'd gone a bit quiet, you were busy being industrious.

    The name to me sums up something quite serious and antiquy - for people with rather grand country houses prepared to spend ALOT of money to get their look right rather than 'shabby chic' 'Cath Kidston' country house style a la Country Living - more HOMES AND GARDENS. Is that the image you are looking for? If so, then I think it's a great name.

    How exciting!

  3. Congratulations! How exciting. What kind of art do you need? Not sure how good my house drawing skills about a nice owl? ;)

  4. That sounds really great. You are so creative, it's bound to be brilliant!

  5. CHAT, yes, put a chat into the logo, yes use your house as the logo, dont know what it looks like but think its important for you to feel that its yours, great, I think entrepreneurring is fab,,,go for it. ( or is that entra preen purring?)

  6. Baby! that goes with the Wow weeeeeeeee....
    But I knew already, exciting stuff :-)

  7. How great to be able to develop something you love and are so good at, and work from home - and EVERYTHING! Sounds so good.

    RW is right, I think - does sound more up-market possibly - though I think thats partly using the word "Antique" - might that put off people looking for more accessible/contemporary vintage stuff? Great idea to use your own house.

  8. chat has got to be a good name of course. Well done, on getting all set up, I hope it goes well. I don't know where you find the time or energy.

    Who do you want to win The Apprentice then? Michelle or Ruth?

  9. Dons - Well done and good luck with starting up your business. I'm not too sure about the name either. It gives me exactly the same impression as Rambling woman: Serious, upmarket, old-fashioned.I'd imagine it would appeal to middle aged woman how lunch and are looking for flowery textiles to cover their sofas ! If that your 'niche' market go for it.

    However if you looking for something more young/trendy and vintage (rather than antique) I'd think twice about this name.

    Sorry if that sounds mean - why don't you have a 'Blog Company Naming Competition' the winner can have one of your fantastic creations (like those wonderful handbags that you made at Christmas)

  10. Thanks for your positive suggestions and ideas girls. One of the things I learnt yesterday is to know your market/customers. The people I tend to sell these very old fabrics to are usually collectors, archivists and antique dealers. A whole different bunch from the ones I use to sell my vintage fabrics to. They pay an awful lot more and I think they expect quality and so the word 'Antique' would appeal to them. I think that appealing mainly to the funky fabric buyer could be narrowing my market too much. We are in the minority!

    I am still mooting these ideas though so please keep your suggestions coming if you have any :-)

  11. VERY exciting news, darling!

    Yes, your market has recently changed. You used to sell to funky young shabby chic or craft people but the product you are offering now will not appeal to them, hence the need for a new image and a new name.

    Your new customers will be middle aged or older, more men, serious collectors with money. They would not be impressed with a funky image - they will want something that speaks "quality" to them and sounds more "reliable".

    Your choice of name sounds to me as though it's geared towards your market.


  12. I think it is a very wise choice of name Dons, you know your market now and you need to appeal to the big money buyers.... knowing your customer is important, I think i have the name and feel right for mine... hope...

  13. Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see the site. Are you starting a mailing list yet? If so, add me on to it!

  14. btw, can you have 2 flicker badges (one of each type maybe?) but with diff. pics, one for each blog? thats what I was hoping, but don't know if its poss.

  15. Floss just said, "Oh it smells like Donnas house here, all chickeney and left overs!" hahahaha, it's a nice smell i think she means... must add your new blog to my blog..

  16. well DOns, have you decided on the name?

    As for Tat saying her house smells like yours 'all chickeny!' is that dead, roasted chicken or live, nappyless ones roaming round your house?

  17. blimus do chickens wear nappies?

  18. That sounds great!! I'm sure you'll be very successful!!! :-)

  19. Chickens wearing nappies? This is quite worrying.

    Let us know how it all goes. I'm very excited for you. Your little applique reminded me of something my sister made me, which was an embroidery of The Little Prince. I'd definitely buy that applique off you. It's gorgeous. I wish I had your talents.

  20. I am horrified by what you said about Fanny. That is just terrible. How can they do that?
    Have they done Titty too? Well, well.

  21. Hahaha Trac you are soooo funny ;-)

    Chickens wearing nappies - see post from 29th March.

    My house smells lovely btw, not chickeny or leftovery at all!!! Probably those are the smells Floss remembers due to the fact that she spends most of her time here in the chicken house!!

  22. OH good luck and congrats to you! I can't wait!


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