
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rainy Sunday

It's pouring with rain (actually now it has stopped and is sunny) so there will be no bootsales today (boo hoo). I could do with staying at home though. I have things to get on with and not traipse around fields looking for gorgeous little things to buy (oh boo hoo). Once bootsale season has started I hate it if I miss them. It's like taking a drag on a cigarette after you have given up. Once you are back into it you crave them. I won't be going next week as it is Alfie's party (boo bloody hooooooo!)

I popped into a charity shop on Friday. I do this rarely these days as I haven't got so much time so it was lucky that I did go in. I found a vintage Patch doll. Do you remember her? Sindy's little sister. She is wearing her original clothes with the Patch label in too! The best part was that she was only 50p!!!! The old lady who served me said to Lizzy ,who was in her pram, 'Is this for you?'. 'Oh no' I said, 'she's mine'. I used to love my Patch doll. I am still on the lookout for Daisy the Mary Quant doll.

The Leg is getting better slowly. It now has a hard cast on. Alfie is thrilled as he is getting to spend lots of time with his dad who is normally very busy and always says 'I'll play with you later'. Now he is a sitting target and is in prime position to play numerous Play Station games! I am still required to administer 1,000 cups of tea a day along with biscuits, cake, sandwiches and alcoholic beverages. He went to work yesterday afternoon, (he points his crutches while his staff do the running around), as he had a party to run for underprivileged inner city children, so I took my (overprivileged country) children to Pizza Hut for tea. I haven't been for years. It was fun in a stressful sort of way. Our starters didn't appear and the ice cream (I use that term lightly)
machine didn't work for a while but the pizzas were actually delicious and it was just nice to have a night off from cooking. We got home in time to watch the Eurovision song contest. What a hoot! Finland, completely mad but marvelous and very well deserved winners. Terry Wogan witty and wonderful as usual and with 25 points we did better than we have done in years!


  1. i don't know how i'd explain the eurovision to the yanks, i really don't. the husband already plays the game 'gay or european' hahahah.

    i'm jealous of your rain. it's 88F here and i'm melting. our evap. cooler has decided to die and now it's going to cost an arm and a leg to get it fixed :|

    talking of mary quant dolls - i was very tempted a couple of years ago to buy daisy from ebay.

  2. Crumbs Dons, the charity shop gods really smile on you - or is it just Devon ones are less pricy than Oxfordshire?

    This one still has her boots, amazing - they always used to lose one when I was a gel.

  3. I know PG she's intact which is amazing really! The charity shops here range from being very cheap to being over-the-top-expensive when they seem to think they are antique shops. Their prices also go up in summer and get an influx of tourists. I avoid them in summer and stick to bootsales!

  4. Roxy - I have been looking out for a Mary Quant doll for you for years. The first one I find is yours sweetie :-)

    I'll send you some rain. We are having far too much of it for my liking!

  5. Yes, I wish you could have been here too!
    We'll have to have a convention some time... costumes and everything...

    Great doll. I admit I don't remember Patch. I had a Tressie, her hair grew if you pushed the button in her stomach, but I mostly remember just having her head - I don't know what happened to the rest of her.

  6. I won't tell Bert you had tea in Pizza hut she'd be dead jealous, she loves 'Tomato tops'.. It makes a nice change from time to time though. Glad the legs on the move or rather improve :-)

  7. I really love that doll. It's really lovely. You do get some great stuff. I wonder if anyone here remembers Pippa dolls? They were really cheap and very thin. But rather sweet. And Just William dolls that came in a matchbox. You could get different animal ones as well. I found one recently in Brighton and got really excited!

    I've yet to meet anyone who had a Pippa doll.

  8. It was a toss-up between Pizza Hut or Nando's! A Nando healthy salad won the day!
    And I got C.B.Ray's CD!

  9. My next door neighbour when I was a child had Pippa dolls. She was really spoilt and had millions of them...but they all had different names. I was SO jealous, being the youngest of four I had to make do with the Cindy doll whose hair had gone all horrible. Pippa dolls had lovely hair and in all different colours. Oooh I've gone all funny now. Memories!

    I've not heard of your doll Dons....I'm just not hip enough! You are So good at finding bargains though!

  10. I don't think I ever had any dolls to play with when I was little. Might explain a few things eh!!?

    Oh no, that gorgeous little baby is smiling at me again. I shall have to go.

    You are such a sweetie, Dons, such a sweetie!!


  11. Pippa dolls were half the height of Cindys, weren't they, with long straight hair? I don't think I had one, we were poor...I even had a cheap not-quite-a-Cindy-doll...cost about 30p!

  12. pg, you obviously had a childhood like mine! Materially deprived at least! (OMG glad my mum doesn't read this! She'd probably say, I wanted for nothing - I didn't really, though I thought I did!)

  13. i LOVED pippa dolls. i had a big case of them (some of them were mine, and some passed on to me by my big blister), but i left them in the shed and they got all mouldy :( i was so sad. i used to love the horses you could get for them too, with the riding outfit.

  14. What a pretty dolly.


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