
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Catch up

I can't believe so much time has passed since I last blogged. As you can imagine it is still hectic here. The Leg is still broken, Jasmine is in the middle of her exams, the house is being repainted, I'm selling fabrics and taxiing here there and everywhere! Jasmine has one exam to go (tomorrow) and then she has her Prom on Friday. This has meant months of preparation. her dress was ordered from USA, a beautiful pink-silk-georgette-full-length-off-the-shoulder number, her jewellery handmade, matching bag purchased, sparkly shoes, her hair and makeup session booked, diamante added to dress and shawl as she decided her dress was too plain after all, Limo booked to arrive here to pick up her and 5 friends and a drinks party organised for friends and family of the 5 kids to see them off. I will be posting photos so don't worry you will see my little pink princess in all her glory! We didn't have Proms in my day, I wish we did, I think it's a lovely way to finish of your school days.

Friday is a big day, apart from the Prom, The Leg is having his plaster removed and I am going to give up feeding Lizzy!!!

Alfie had his school report which was absolutely brilliant, loads of A's and B's. His first 2 weren't so good. The first one that he received from his private kindergarten was so awful and negative that I cried. The teacher he has now really seems to get him and has nothing but praise. The only thing she said that he does wrong is to talk too much but that whilst he was capable of working and talking others were not and that he could distract them. He had to write what he liked best about school and what he thought he was good at and not so good at. Here's what he wrote:

I rily like playtime. I hav it evryday it is so fun.
Most of all I like lunchtime it rily fils my tumy up.
Numresy hmmmmmm wel I like that but not the best.
Litrisy I don't like becous it is too hard for me.
I want to get betre at all my work

I went to Taunton with mum and the kids on Saturday to buy a pair of jeans that I had spotted that weren't available here. I haven't been shopping in Taunton since last summer, it's not a place I go to as a rule, I tend to prefer Exeter. I was brought up in Taunton but I didn't really like the place and I have to say that my opnion hasn't changed. I have no love for it and found it hard to believe that I ever lived there, it felt strange and disconnected from me.
We met up with Paul's mum and headed for Starbucks (where else!) before having a little retail therapy. Jasmine enjoyed going in a few shops that we don't have here. She is enjoying looking different from everyone else these days and doesn't want to have the same clothes as all her friends. I got my jeans, boy fit, slouchy jeans, very flattering. I also found a new friend. Meet Flower Girl. She is a unazukin doll who helps you make decisions. You ask her a question and she nods her head once for yes, twice for definitely yes, shakes her head for no, twice for definitely no. She is going to come in very useful when making life changing decisions such as 'Do I really need another pair of jeans?' and 'Should I cut my hair?'.


  1. I saw those dolls in Woolies and was very tempted, they remind me of weebles.

    I love the "Most of all I like lunchtime it rily fils my tumy up." So cute.

  2. oh sweet Alfie, yes I like the rily fils my tumy up bit too.... I saw those dolls t'other day whilst surfing, cute, i have some similar arriving soon, only with fabric...

  3. Enjoyed your blog Donna - full of lovely things. I loved Alfie's writing. The comments about his talking reminded of a little girl I knew!

    Looking forward to the Prom night but not to the bit with Lizzie following that, although she may surprise us and cope with it easily.

    Doug has given me a disc to use this evening to try to deal with the trojan. I'll let you know how I get on.


  4. They do say things come in threes...and it will be just past midsummer.

    I think I need one of those little dolls. Are they really in Woolies?

  5. I didn't know that 'Prom' nights existed in the UK, how exciting for her. I hope she has a fun and memorbale evening. Like you say what a way to finish off you school life.

  6. Can't wait to see the photos of jazz :-)
    Goodluck my heart with the weaning, you'll do it, I would say that the leg will think he's died and gone to heaven but I remembered he likes little tits!

    Secured some more press for Oct, 'easy living' magazine are going to write about lily and agathe and feature the chocolate boxes! yipee... you should smell them dons, they are scrummy...
    hate doing this press thing :-( but it works it would seem....

  7. very sweet doll - but Alfie's writing is sweeter!

  8. Sounds like you've been keeping busy inspite of your leg, which I hope gets better soon! I like your little dolly, I've got one similar. IF she tells you to cut your hair, don't forget to show us picture! Best wishes!

  9. Can't wait to see the pictures of the Prom dress. How lovely. And I really want that little flower girl. That is uber-cute. Enjoy the glorious weather this weekend. I bet it's fab where you are.


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