
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Now I wouldn't have posted this normally, as I am sure you have all done youtube to death, but this one is a gem, sent to me by my sister Roxy. Pure beauty in a man!

Enjoy x


  1. I wasn't going to look at any more youtubes but I couldn't resist taking a peek .....THANK YOU Dons - THANK YOU Roxy!

    Yum,yum, yum ,yum ,yum - now THAT'S what I call a sexy man (and a great voice too).

  2. Well, at last a decent song from someone! hahahaha (much better than Demis)

    Being an ignoramous (sp) I googled Tim Buckley (I think wehave him on our ipod but andy is still in bed - it being Father's Day and all that today) (I forgot, luckily Alice remembered)

    Googling TB made me cry - another dead genius. Plus he was Gorgeous.

  3. yes, gorgeous.

    But I'm in a panic now too ... it isn't Fathers Day yet is it?

    oh nooooooo I forgot it last year .....

  4. Now don't panic everyone. Father's Day isn't until the 18th. Poor RW will have to do it all again then (or maybe not), hehehe

  5. Hahahhahahahahah! So glad about the Father's Day mistake! We can blame it on Alice...she said it was today and Andy concurred in an 'Eeyore' way. So he got breakfast in bed and an offer to go for lunch (well that would have been a treat for me really).

    However, he didn't take me up on the 'out for lunch' offer as he'd rather sort out the garage.

    I've been sitting on my patio reading in the sun since 8.30 this morning and have just come in to find that I'm sunburned! OMG! (just thought I'd share that with you Dons!)

  6. hahahahaha about the Father's Day mistake :o}
    Luckily for me I don't have to bother with Father's Day any more - oh no, that sounds horrid, doesn't it? Didn't mean it to .....


  7. sick of youtube?!?! heheheh get it while you can, before they shut it down - it's bound to happen once some uppity rock star realises that people are watching things for FREE.

    i spend entire evenings on it searching for gems. i've also found a way to download them :D

  8. Glad you all enjoyed it. It is a wonderful video and fabulous song.

    RW - glad you have some sun at last. I too am burnt!(what is it with us british, we are never ready with the factor 30 at the first hint of summer)

    Roxy - Thank you once again for this and I want your secret to downloading pleeeeeeze :-)

  9. Checked with Andy about Tim Buckley. Yes, we have his stuff and his sons. He told me that Jeff went swimming and never came back!

  10. singing 'whole lotta love' no less ;(

    d - i'll email the secret to you ;)


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