
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Swallow update

Oh I'm sick of looking at that shiny faced bird on the last post so I thought I would give you a swallow chick update. They have their eyes open now and are getting so fat that they can hardly fit into the nest. It looks so uncomfortable. At night, mummy swallow perches on the very edge of the nest to safeguard her babies as there is no room for her. That's motherly love for you!


  1. I think swallows are the most beautiful things ever.

  2. I miss that shiny bird photo.... it was rather lovely :-)

  3. Maybe you should invite Bill Oddie to come and stay?

    Now I've written that, it has occured to me that you might not have a clue as to why I did! :O)

  4. Aren't swallows really notorious lice-carriers?

    Not a birdy person me.

    Not an animaly person either.

    I like shopping though.

  5. So sweet! We've had baby sparrows being fed on our bird tree.

    Doesn't everyone know about Bill Oddie?

  6. Well, I would have thought so Lettuce :O) Although Nick might not!? I'll ask him... It's likely he'll just say The Goodies!?

  7. Just here chasing Trac - see she's been and gone again already!

  8. I adore the swallows, they are such gorgeous birds and will return year after year. How cool is that?

    Yes Trac I do understand the Bill Oddie comment. he does his twitching thing not far from here. The programme is filmed on a farm near Hatherleigh and I used to pass it on the way to the fab market/auction there. You couldn't fail to miss what was going on as there were a host of BBC outdoor location vehicles in the middle of nowhere!

    Give Nick his due though, the Goodies was his best work by far ;-)

  9. Does Bill Oddie like birds then? I'm confused as usual.

    Why is birdwatching called twitching? For ages I confused twitching with cottaging!

  10. Swallows always remind me of the start of the Algerian school year.
    In September, hundreds of them congregate on telephone wires just outside our school for the start of their migration south...
    Mixed emotions! The end of the Summer and the road back to school!!

  11. But the big shiny face made me happy!

    But then, swallows make me especially happy too. This most recent picture made meflashback to when I lived on a little farm when I was seven and the swallows would nest in the eaves of the barn. Nothing swoops and dives like a swallow.


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