
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lizzy's new clothes

Parcels are always lovely to receive especially if they are unexpected. Lizzy had an unexpected parcel from her Aunty Roxy in the USA. We opened the parcel together and out tumbled lots of beautifully wrapped packages. Lizzy loved them and enjoyed shaking them, playing with the ribbon and rustling them. She was even more delighted when she opened them and found pretty clothes inside. She is such a girl, she loves clothes, bags and shoes. Please indulge me, and Aunty Roxy, with some cute baby shots.

She was in great need of a winter wardrobe update so thank you Roxy. The clothes are absolutely gorgeous!

I have also been adding to her wardrobe which you can see over at my crafty blog.


  1. Awwwww - isn't she just the cutest thing?
    Lovely things, Roxy xxxx

  2. i especially love the 6th photo down - the one with her little tummy! it makes me go all gritty-teeth-aunty hahahah.

    she's so scrummy :)

  3. Gorgeous photos, i love them all. The little smile in photo 7 - and the last 2 are great.

    After this and my latest post I wonder - do we EVER completely stop being broody?

  4. What a poppet and what a splendid wardrobe!

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM GMT

    Lettuce _ I was going to say that between your post and this one, my hormones are running around wildly...but the very THOUGHT of doing it all again is off-putting enough! I'll just enjoy looking at other people's poppets.


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