
Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Hair

Yes it's that time year folks, I always need to chop off my summer hair and start afresh for autumn. Remember this? Well I thought I would stick with a similar look but make my bob more dramatic, more of a graduation.

I have to say that it was one of the worst hair cutting experiences ever though. Lizzy had been unwell in the night, throwing off some high temperature and waking up almost hourly. I had thought of cancelling my appointment but she seemed much brighter in the morning so we set off for Exeter. She slept on the way but when she awoke she was tearful, clingy and hard to pacify. I thought she might just sit in her pram and watch me have my hair cut but this did not go down well at all. Instead she sat on my lap whilst I had my hair washed and I wrestled to keep her still while she wriggled constantly to get down. I had my hair cut with a cry cry clingy baby, covered in snot and bits of hair. Not my normal, restful, Toni and Guy experience! Poor baby. Anyhow, all things considered, I think the hairdresser did a marvellous job, I love it. (by the way, these photos were taken the next morning after I had slept on my hair and having done nothing to it. A sign of a good cut!)


  1. Hi Dons! I don't pop over every day knowing that you don't usually post that often and now I pop over and loads to catch up on!

    Great hair cut! You can see from the picture how it's been cut in layers - was it razor cut? It's lovely!

    Lizzie also looks absolutely GORGEOUS! It must be lovely to have a baby in the house - keeping you young! (but making you feel ancient, no doubt with lack of sleep)

    And finally....yes, def up for the CL show - I had a thing come in the post from there last week offering me discounted tickets so I'll get on to that now..the Thursday OK? See you there! (Twinset and all)

  2. it looks lovely! i love the graduation.

    i decided the other day to have a bob too - mine has one layer that is at chin length and the rest are longer. i was thinking how nice it'd be to have it at chin length again. i might have it one length though, but choppy - not sure. i just hate the hairdressers here and don't trust any of them. i NEED toni & guy.

  3. OMG - it's gorgeous darling!
    And what a cute little nose peeping out from the second shot :o}

  4. lovely lovely hair cut.

    I had mine done again dead short recently - I might go a bit longer next time!!

    so looking forward to 9th!

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM GMT

    You are very very brave to take a CHILD with you to the hairdresser - let a miffy baby...not that's she's really miffy of course...but still...BRAVE!

    And it's a fab haircut.

    Oh..erm..Lettuce..can you have your hair cut longer? ;-)

  6. beautiful haircut Dons...

  7. Oh you look stunning Donna! very petite and elfin like(is that the right term? i dont mean like a person of fairy folk orientation or anything)and yes I too have had to sit and have my hair done with child on lap! the things we do to stay gorgeous!
    ps. am horribly envious of your new chair!

  8. Thanks for all the compliments :-)

    Geena - It wasn't a matter of being brave, it was desperation. I had no one to look after the baby so I had to take her. If she was feeling fine she would be happy to sit in her buggy with a box of raisins and watch me.

    Gena- Elfin and petite, I like that, thank you. Must have been clever camera work ;-)

    Roxy - Yes you do need a T&G. I couldn't trust anyone else now.

  9. It really, really suits you!

  10. Sorry, like RW, I haven't been over for ages and I've missed loads - new baby clothes and a new chair. They are great.

    But the new hair is fab. You look wonderful. But yes, you are very brave to take the baby with you. I would probably have run out screaming if my twins had been like that. I'm always so nervous at the hairdresser as it is, worried they might forget what I asked them to do and shave it all off or something.

    Will not leave it so long to come back this time!

  11. we do have T&G over here, but i still don't trust them hehe.

  12. So chic! I, too, have a swing bob but can't keep the tips from flipping up. I HATE it when my hair flips. How do you keep it from happening? Will work on your lunch bags upon my return from NYC this weekend...

  13. I love the fact that you're using one of the shots for your "comments" photo .....
    New season, new fab pic!

    BTW I've just finished the course work that I need to get in for Wednesday - phew!

  14. Love your hair - it looks fab!
    Love your chair - it looks fab too!

  15. Wow Dons, what a fab hairdo, it looks lovely. Loveing that typists chair - where do you find all this stuff! I want to come shopping with you!

  16. I think the blog is OK now, sorry about that.

    But I am going to go on a bit of a blogbattical. Too busy at work and I need to give a bit more time to Ruth. So the birdy might be the last post for a while.

  17. Anonymous3:09 AM GMT

    Lovely hair, lovely chair, ooh you do look glam and sophis and all. I shaved all mine off recently, yours looks like silk, mine is like velcro!!

  18. Oh yeah, I meant to say...
    Love your new profile pic! :O)x

  19. Anonymous9:12 AM GMT

    Now, I have to confess I know nothing about hair or haircuts. I've been going to the same guy for more years than I care to remember. It takes no more than five minutes! Faster than Quikfit!

    But I must admit that your new style is very nice! And I couldn't help noticing that your face is slimmer than a year ago!

    I warned you I know nothing about hair!!

  20. Love your hair! It looks great on you. I found you through another blog and have some more good reading to do :)


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