
Tuesday, October 31, 2006


From my little pumpkin!

And the monstrous boy! (Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark side in case you were wondering!)

Off to trick or treat for the first time ever!


  1. The first time ever, I don't adam and eve it!! But what lovely little trick or treaters you have... and fancy young Alf turning to the dark side, you wouldn't believe it would you??? hahaahaha, I hope you were bountiful or got loads of bountys or similar.... Just got back outselves and french fun was had... kisses, french kisses....

  2. I've seen that little female trick or treaters tights somewhere before haven't I??

  3. ahhhh so sweet Dons.

    But isn't your nearest neighbour three miles away? Poor Lizzie those little legs of hers must have been tired!

    Mind you, being that cute she must have got bags full of treats.

  4. Anonymous10:09 PM GMT

    Oh wow - Nathan has that exact same costume this year - he looks very 'dark' in it...

    And oh Lizzie - I could eat her up.

  5. So glad you posted pictures of your trick or treaters. I love seeing all of the costumes.

  6. Oh, what lovely photos! Thanks for posting them. I wish I could have been there! What darling little pickles :o}
    Did you dress up too???

  7. What a darling pumpkin baby! She could not be cuter - with that darling hat and stripey leggings... (Her fairy dress is very sweet too!)

  8. Tats - it was their first time trick or treating. As RW rightly said we live in the middle of nowhere so not much trick or treat action here. They went to a party at a friend's house in Westward Ho! where she lives on a housing estate. My friend's husband and his friend took the kids round while us mums had a glass of wine and a gossip in the kitchen. They came back excited and laden with goodies. Her tights are from good old Hennes where I bught these and a rather natty pair of argyll tights for her.

    RW - Joe (my friend's husband) carried Lizzy round which is no mean feat, she weighs a tonne! He's a policeman so I felt they were in safe hands going round with him.

    GOW - No I didn't dress up. All my energy went into getting these pickles dressed up. They had such a lovely time. Lizzy loves her dress and went round saying 'ahhhh pitty' whilst holding the skirt out!

  9. she is so adorable. Extremely pitty.

    LG is into the next generation of halloween costumes now, i'll post a pic later!

  10. Anonymous11:56 AM GMT

    You know... the only time I EVER feel a little broody is when I see pics of your daughter!

    I shall quickly click off to somewhere else now! I'm certainly not going down the baby route again....
    Got your message over at Tat's btw...

  11. Zane pulled a true "I'm TWO" and not-so-politely declined both costume and trick-or-treating last night. The year of the tiger that wasn't :-)


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