
Friday, October 13, 2006

Now go get that house!


  1. I wonder how many comments Blogger kicks out into the ether?
    I commented on this early this morning - where's it gone?
    I wanted to say what a fab effect those strip lights make Dons.

    Oh, but then you've got comment moderation on, maybe you moderated me into oblivion?


  2. As if I would! Sorry if anyone finds the moderation annoying. It's to enable those not registered with blogger to comment but without me having to accept spam or religious rubbish. I will always post friends' comments xxx

  3. Oh Dons, thank you thank you thank you. I'm so looking forward to seeing you next month!

    I'm very happy, we've had rather a lot to drink tonight. Andy has gone into total worry about money - hahahah.... we can always get a lodger! Can't feel my jaw I've had so much to drink!

  4. Dons!

    I commented and nothing happened....

  5. oh i have to appprove it and then it goes on....

    I await my hundreds of comments to be approved now! Doh!

  6. Oh Lucy you are funny! I'm glad you are having a drink to celebrate and tell Andy not to worry, it'll all come right I'm sure. Can't wait to see you on the 9th :-)


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