
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My little man (or heads are harder than hearts)

On Sunday a terrible thing happened. Whilst out Christmas shopping Alfie had a bad accident. We were in a clothes shop and Alfie, as is his way, found a quiet place to sit and play on his game boy whilst we do the boring shopping. I was in a changing room trying on a dress whilst mum was in the shop, inches from Alfie, pushing Lizzy in her pram when she suddenly heard a woman shouting for someone to fetch an ambulance and a child screaming. She was just thinking 'oh poor woman, her child is hurt', when she saw it was Alfie who was coming towards her with blood all over him. She screamed for me and as I ran out of the changing rooms I knew something awful had happened. I found my mum cradling poor Alfie in her arms while he screamed in pain, blood spurting from his head and pools of blood everywhere. It was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life and I was so shocked I just didn't know what to do. Luckily there was a woman who had been coming into the shop at the time of the accident and had seen what had happened and now she was calmly and coolly instructing everyone what to do. Whilst Alfie had been playing on his game boy he had leaned back onto a shelving unit behind him when a large and very heavy ceramic display hand had fallen onto his head, breaking one of the fingers as it did so. I didn't know at the time that heads bleed a lot. I do now. I thought I was going to lose my little boy, that he was bleeding to death and there was nothing I could do about it. The ambulance seemed to take forever, which it didn't, I just wanted them to arrive and make him better. They took us to the hospital where they glued his head back together.

Alfie is back to his normal bouncy self but it has left me (and poor mum) very shaken. I keep going over it, having flash backs to seeing his little face frightened and covered in blood and the realisation that there is only so much you can do as a mother, the rest is out of your hands.

My first instinct was to stop blogging and spend my time cuddling my children but of course that is just ridiculous. I have cuddled Alfie so much in the past few days he is getting fed up with me. I am cramping his style and he has games to play!

Right that's two sad posts, I promise I will be back with some festive cheer.


  1. oh Donna how awful.

    It sounds as though he is recovering quickly - I hope you do too!

  2. (their heads are a lot harder than our hearts, aren't they?)

  3. Thanks Letty darling, you are so right. I am going to amend the title :-)

  4. Donna, how dreadful for you both... I'm so glad he's ok, and hope that you can find time for yourself to recover from the shock of it. Gx

  5. Oh Donna, poor all of you, mostly Alf ! I thought as first his finger broke and his little head.. what an ordeal, I am so gladhe is back to himself... glad the parcel arrived..

  6. How terrifying for you all, I can only imagine the fear you must have felt when you saw him. I'm so happy to hear he is bouncing back - and you for that matter! Clare x PS. Many thanks for your message and birthday wishes!

  7. Oh Donna, the whole experience must have been terrifying. I am so glad that Alfie is going to be OK and hope you will soon be able to put it all behind you.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

    (I cannot repeat the word verification that has just popped up at the bottom of this comment box!!! Very RUDE!!! But I shall have to type it if I want to leave you this message Lol!)

  8. Bummer - that's one of the most awful feelings. I had it also when Nathan came flying off a swing at great height and burst his face open. Terrifying.

    I am glad he has bounced back...don't go thinking of what might have been. He's fine now, has a spiffinf tale to tell... and Christmas is almost here.



  9. oh how scary!!! so glad to hear he is OK!

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM GMT

    Oh I so glad he is ok now.

  11. poor Alfie! and what an awful shock for you and your Mum, glad all is well now xx

  12. Poor you and poor Alfie, is he scared of game boys now, if playing them causes giant hard hands to smash your head! Have a lovely Christmas Dons and cuddle your little chap as much as you need to!


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