
Monday, December 04, 2006

Vintage Fashion Fair

A great weekend. On a wet and windy saturday night we went dancing when our friend Wendy joined forces with The West Coast Soul boys and held a great Soul/Funk night. It was lovely to hear a lot of old School and a few new tracks too. Lots of dancing and home late (me on Diet Coke as per usual!). It was a fabulous venue right on the sea front at Westward Ho! When we emerged we were just bowled over by the sight of the waves as the wind sent them in crashing on to the rocks. It never ceases to amaze me that I actually live here.

Next morning I had to be up early to go to Exeter and the Vintage Costume Fair with mum and the little ones. My friend Liz had sent me some complimentary tickets as she had a stall there and had promised to take along some fabrics for me. Liz seems to be the first person I see when I arrive at textile fairs and I can always spot her from her beautiful 1940's dresses. She has impeccable taste and I have bought some delicious fabrics from her. I came home laden with my purchases from her and the other stall holders. I didn't get much of a chance to browse the clothing sadly as Alfie had an attack of extreme boredom and we had to leave!

We did some Christmas shopping in Exeter and, man, it was busy!

Finally I leave you with a view of the sunset taken on Friday night whilst out with the kids. I have much to do, check you later x


  1. sorry i haven't visited for a while - first this time though!

    lovely pics, I have to make do with charity shops in the winter, its just not good enough.

    Love your picture down below too - hmmm, hard choice, him or Daniel Craig. Wasn't he Che Guavara too? yummy

    (M when young (ie with hair) looked quite like that.....)

  2. Those beaded and crystal necklaces look exactly like ones my Ma had...I wish we'd kept them..they are so yummy...I would drool in a fair like that...just have spit running down my chin and onto my boobies...lucky you!

    Yes - It's so good to live by the sea... and to really appreciate where you are - I feel the same about my spot, remote and tiny and isolated as it lucky, aren't we!

  3. lovely pics Donna! that last one is almost professional! vintage clothing fairs are such fun, lucky you!

  4. Hi Donna,
    Glad the Vintage Fashion Fair was worthwhile. Lovely to see the picture of Liz - smiling as usual! (Her stand looks great too!)
    I like the fabrics that you bought - especially the 50's blue roses on a white background....

  5. Hi Donna

    I wish I'd been able to get to the Exeter Fair. Super photo of Liz (and David from Somerton Antiques Centre where I'm based). Thanks for your lovely comment re my mum!

    Sue x


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