
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Day

Well Christmas was wonderful. A chaotic, shambolically wonderful time was had by all. Stockings and presents were opened, toys played with, a delicious Christmas dinner was cooked by me, (for the first time), and was delicious thanks to Jamie Oliver and his wonderful turkey recipe. It was all over too quickly and as you can see, one little girl almost didn't make it to Christmas dinner as she fell asleep in her plate! I woke her up and she ate about 15 brussel sprouts!!! Paul got his hair back for Christmas, which is what he has always wanted. I have a pile of the most delicious books to read and as one of my New Year's resolutions is to read more books and less magazines I may be blogging less in 2007.

Boxing Day was a much more relaxed affair. We played with toys, went for a cold brisk beach walk and came home to a lovely meal and a spirited game of Monopoly.

The day after Boxing Day I had my Father and his family here which meant more presents and mayhem and then the day after that we had 13 extra people here as Paul's family came. This time we went out for a meal as I was all cooked out.

Tonight we are having a New Year's Eve party here so I will wish you a very Happy New Year. I hope 2007 is a happy and healthy year for you all xxx


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM GMT

    Happy New Year to you too!

  2. Looks like you had lots of fun Donna.
    Happy New Year to you - enjoy your evening.

    Hope you don't blog less! I'd miss you!

  3. Gorgeous pics. Happy New Year to all of you, i hope 2007 is good for you.


  4. Lovely to see GOW - and marvellous hairdo hubby's got there..tres sexy...

    Oh how can you give your children sprouts? Poor lambs...mind you Jazz looks stunning so maybe there's something in it after all?

    Have a blessed year Donna.


  5. Happy new year Donna! I wish you great success with the website,the slide show is lovely and your children are scrumptious! I could eat that baby! she is so sweet!

  6. Anonymous1:30 PM GMT

    Beautiful slide show!Happy New Year xxx

  7. hope to see you next year! we'll add to the mayhem ;)

    thanks for all the wonderful presents, i am still enjoying them.

    love you

    - S

  8. Can't wait Roxy. It will be soooo much fun :-)

  9. can we do head-over-heels all over the floor? :D

    i'm not sure what the hubby would make of that. he already thinks i'm barking mad with my 'limey stocking'.

  10. Oh we are doing head over heels for sure! I was only telling Jazz about it the other day, hehehe

  11. i need to get in training then!


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