
Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Here are the books I got for Christmas. A delicious pile of bedtime reading!

and a smaller pile of cookery books for the kitchen. Did anyone else get any good books?


  1. i got quite a few books about john lennon, one of which i'm reading right now and it's very good. and i got bill bryson's latest book.

  2. hello love. thanks for your special comment. i appreciate that muchness. i know she is around and about.

    i wish you every success this year. i can feel it in me old bones that it will be an extension built on the goodness of last year. i had a great one too.

    i got one photography book for xmas, which was nowhere near enough, so i went out and bought myself 5!!


  3. oh what a good blog idea! I'll get onto it today.....

    We must make a date soon for CL - is it Feb?

  4. Books are make the BEST presents. Actually, book tokens make the best ones! That's what I got this Christmas and I brought the new Jamie Oliver book - a hero of mine. I also got Vintage Crafts, The Crafters Companion (a MUST for all you crafty blog girls) and Amy Butlers Institches.
    I've always wanted to own a little book shop ever since watching Antony Hopkins in 83 Charring Cross Road many years ago.
    A belated Happy New Year to you Dons.

  5. Good luck with all that reading Donna.

    I bought myself 'The French Inspired Home' by Kaari Meng just before Christmas.

  6. Happy New Year Babes, I'm back and will speak to you soon,much love,
    Tats xxxx

  7. Hi Donna, looks like you've got some great reading there! No books for me this year I'm afraid - but I'm sure I'll find some to buy! Clare x

  8. Marvellous pile of books..just inspiring..the Country Living Shoestring Chic must be really cool.

    Happy Reading.

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM GMT

    wow, you did get alot of books! I got Bill Byson's The Thunderbolt Kid, the Devil wears Prada ( just finished that, it was good!), Cabbages and Roses Home-made Vintage, and Alison ( from So Tread softly blog) sent me Thrift to Fantasy, Home textile crafts of the 1930's-1950's. Do let me know how that Rupert everett book is and also the country living shoestring book.

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM GMT

    Hi Sweetie

    I'm wanting to send you an email thanking you for all my wonderful birthday presents but I don't know your new email address. I'm sure you have given it to me verbally but that isn't the same as having it written down - my poor little brain can't cope.

    Love you .......... ~(:o})=

  11. Hi Dons!

    I'm back.

    Belated Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

    Since we moved we have been unable to get broad band and blogs take SO SO LONG to download on dial up that I just didn't bother. ANyway, today we had it fixed - only took a month! (TCH!)

    Anyway, just checking in.

    Lots of love


  12. thats a lot of books you got there!! Wow! I love books too! I'd like to grow a craft library. I had one but got fed up with "clutter' and donated them to the library. Only to regret it several years later. I got rid of the wrong clutter.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. ((I buy NEW clearanced clothing just for the fabric. I never wear the stuff. You can't go wrong for a 1$ right?))

  13. I love books and I love it when people give books to my two girls. Books are the only gift I don't wonder where to put or what I need to give away to make more room. The girls are reading the Lemony Snicket books right now since they got another book from the series for Christmas.

    It looks like you got a wonderful selection. Will you be giving book reviews on the more outstanding ones?

  14. Enough of the books we want NEWS !!!



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