
Monday, February 05, 2007

All the fun of the thrift

I had a great day thrifting on Friday. I spotted some mannequins for sale in the local paper. Mr Big Stuff had been looking for some for quite some time and the little old man who was selling them was retiring from running his clothes shop in Ilfracombe and was selling up. Thinking he may have some old shop fittings I accompanied MBS there. Sadly the shop was completely gutted ready for refurbishment but the mannequins were fabulous and just what MBS had been looking for. While he was loading up I decided to venture into town as I had spotted some charity shops on our way through (It's the first thing I look out for when entering a new town). Now I don't go to Ilfracombe very often, especially in winter. It's a funny old down-at-heel North Devon seaside town, all fudge and fairy shops, but the charity shops were great. I love going to charity shops in places I don't normally go. Their stuff always seems more exciting and unusual somehow. I also liked the fact that the charity shops were scruffy, independant charity shops for obscure charities. I find that some of the bigger charity shops like Oxfam, Barnardos and CLIC are a little sterile these days. Their stuff is sometimes too new and I wonder what happens to the old smelly stuff. I fear the worst! Anyhow I found some great stuff like this........

Flour shaker to go with my sugar shaker

A gorgeous pile of crockery in ice cream colours

A scottie

A shabby chic jug

Some tablecloths

A linen Teatowel

And my favourite thing of all, a kitsch poodle tin full of buttons!!

I know, I'm easily pleased! I also got some fabric, some old kids books and a teletubby rucksack for Lizzy who was beside herself with love for this tatty old thing (like mother like daughter!). Oh and I still had change from a tenner!

After all that thrifting I was quite hungry so we went down to the quay and had lunch in Damien Hirst's restaurant. It was lovely. As it was a fine, spring-like day we took our time driving back along the coast marvelling at the views and reminding ourselves how very very lucky we are to live here. I just wish I had remembered to take my camera.

When I got home I sorted out boxes and boxes of stuff for a lady to take away for a local jumble sale. She had a car load and could have held a jumbly with my stuff alone! It's my new regime, one out, one in.


  1. What fabulous finds! I especially like the sherbert-colored dishes, and the Scottie!
    I just love thrift finds! I enjoyed seeing yours ever so much! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. everything looks great!! I love the poodle tin - too sweet!
    i didnt know Damien Hirst had a restaurant - isnt he an artist??

  3. I wanna be with you, oh I will in 9 days ;-) lovely stuff I too like the crockery because as you know Candy colours are def in..I could just imagine your delight at being alone and finding those shops, remember that great one we found together that we cleared out? hahaha

  4. Yes, fabulous finds Dons.
    Luckily for me I had my own private viewing of them on Sunday and they are even better in the flesh than up on screen.
    It's just the best feeling when you haul home some gorgeous little treasures, isn't it?


  5. Anonymous10:02 AM GMT

    Going green here over all of your treasures.The pastel crockery and the tablecloths are fantastic!I know what you mean about the charity shops.I often find more treasure in the bin behind our Cancer Research shop than inside it!U would not believe what they throw away!It's so common to see people searching through unopen bags and boxes of donated items.Then the stuff inside is ridiculously over priced!

  6. Well done, I'm green with envy! I know what you mean about Charity shops being sterile these days, it's as if they have lost their junk-shop capability, moved up-market with Shabby Chic and are aimimg at a different market, like the monied but eco-concious rather than the plain skint. we have a really good one in Ma's town, which manages to have a really good blend (and my Dad shops no where else!)

  7. Oooo, lovely stuff. When's your website going to be up Dons?

  8. Yes, great stuff. You KNOW which item I'd have been most pleased with!

    The scruffier charity shops are always the best.

  9. WOW Donna, Love that tin too...and full of buttons...what a bonus!
    All of your finds have a wonderful kitsch look - like going back to the 50's.
    Scottie is very cute! I managed to find one a couple of weeks ago, trouble is, I feel another collection coming on!...I want more!

  10. Anonymous7:16 PM GMT

    lovely goods Donna, sounds like a really fun day. I know what you mean about other towns charity shops seeming better than your own. I feel the same way. Im really partial to the crockery in those wonderful colours!

  11. Anonymous11:26 AM GMT

    Love all your new treasures! I agree with what you say about charity shops. I don't seem to be finding hardly anything great anymore. Down at heel seaside towns always seem to reap the best rewards. Can't wait for the Boot Fair season to start again!
    Oh - I do that thing too- a new thing in, an old thing out. What a pity the two I live with don't. . . Must go- have to cull loads of odd socks and old underpants from Roland's wardrobe!

  12. i want the tin!! i seem to collect old tins. i should show you a few. will check website when i get proper time. good luck!! x

  13. That poodle tin is hysterical!!!

  14. We love Ilfracombe, my great grandparents hailed from there, it's pure Devon, and I hope it never loses its character!

  15. Great finds! The apple tablecloth is my favorite. My husband is from Washington state, where most of the apples in the US are grown. So I love anything vintage that has apples on it!


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