
Friday, February 23, 2007

Half Term High Jinks!

Half term was wonderful, chaotic, mad, shambolic but wonderful! Tanya and her lovely family came to stay for a week from France. Poor things were treated to far more rain than they are used to but I guess that is always a risk if you visit North Devon in February. We shared some great times together this week, we laughed, cried, ate the obligatory cream tea, listened to great music, drank, shopped (despite toddlers, tantrums, grumpy old men and endless rainfall), were treated to a show put on by the kids, thrifted, marvelled at how our eldest girls have grown up, talked and talked and talked (despite having 7 children in permanent earshot), celebrated Floss's 13th birthday early and generally caught up after having been apart for the last year. I miss Tatty so much. Since she moved to France we use the telephone and emails to keep in touch but it is no substitute for being together and lately my girlfriend has needed a hug (or two). After being in each others company for a few hours it is like we have never been apart. The same thing happens with our children, they just pick up from where they left off a year ago. Lovely, like Lettuce says, 'Good friends ease the heart'.


  1. It looks like a great abd Tanya both look fab and Dons, your hair is wonderful - so sleek and chic - I feel I need to run to the hairdresser and get my wild mop tamed or else wear a headscarf.

  2. I keep coming back to this and leave crying... so I won't say anything other than the slide show is cool... I am trying to save a pic but computer says no, I like that one of you and me and Phoebe behind us... aren't we glam :-)

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM GMT

    Looks like you had a great catch-up time! xxx

  4. Hi Sweetie - I can't see the pics in your slide show :o{

    Is there any other way I could get to see them?


  5. Hey I worked out how to get the photos, save yourself the trouble, I'll nick them... will you being going to Exeter in the near future, think i might need you to me another 2 skirts.. greedy huh.. the camo is great..listening to Beck :-)

  6. Oh cream teas! lovely! How lucky is Tanya to have such a dear friend, and how lovely you both look on those pics!

  7. Yes, you both look gorgeous....

    but not I'm afraid to say, as gorgeous as all those lovely, lovely children!

    Tat's children looking so much older! (doh! but of course!)

    Glad you had a lovely time together.

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM GMT

    Sounds like a super time was had by all, and what beautiful pics too!

  9. you look like a pair of naughty temptresses!!

  10. Hi Donna, Sometimes the more miles between family and friends can mean real quality time when you all get together; glad you had a lovely time! I've just had a peek at your website - you have some really lovely fabrics, hope it's going well - I'm sure it is! Clare x

  11. How wonderful! And what great pics : )


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