
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Little things

You know sometimes it's the little things in life that bring the most pleasure. Take for instance the other day, when I was in Woolworths. I found the most beautiful pink and floral broom for the princely sum of £3.50. I gasped and said to the lady standing next to me 'isn't that the most beautiful broom you have ever seen?' She looked at me askance and said gruffly 'it's alright'. Well, it made me happy!!

In fact it made me so happy I bought the matching dustpan and brush.

I have also had some great vintage finds recently. Here are a few of them:

I love this little Scottie with his smart polka dot scarf. He is a pepper pot. I only wish I had the salt pot to match!

My favourite Forties floral fabrics

Lots of vintage Rick Rack braid

Some cute vintage Scottie dog ribbon

A delicious polka dot teacup and plate

And a great vintage shop display hand

The background was another purchase. A couple of ex-display items from Accessorize which I bought for 50p along with 2 gold disco glitterballs, hollowed out, for putting our speakers in for the bar. An eclectic mix, that's me!


  1. Wow! What fabulous finds Dons!

    What is the first dog made of? Is he ceramic or made from fabric? I love him - or is it a her?


  2. you do find wonderful things Donna. I'm going to HAVE to start bootfairing again... if I can just wake up a bit earlier on a Saturday morning...

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM GMT

    Love that broom and dustpan. I'm gonna hot foot it down to Woolworths and get one. I wonder if I'll ever get round to USING it though . . .

  4. It's the little things you do, that make me love you... tra la la... great song that....

  5. I love the broom and dustpan too! I NEED to go to Woolworths tomorrow! Might have to sneak out of work early. You picked up some bargains too, lucky you. I can't wait for the boot sales to start at Easter.

  6. Oh so lovely. I hope they have some left when I get to Woolworths on Saturday. Thanks for sharing. Also thank you for your lovely comments about my bags - and yes there is another bag (different design) in progress I'll post at the weekend if finished. Mary

  7. Hi Donna, what some fantastic buys! I love that scottie dog ribbon! I have the same CK plates as you! Thanks for your comment on my blog (unfortunately, I've sold the Noddy curtains by the way!) Clare x

  8. such beautiful finds!!! all so lovely!
    How's your website going - love all the vintage fabrics...

  9. The broom is lovely, but I'm afraid that if we had it, my husband would refuse to sweep the floors because he'd consider it too girly.

  10. Well, looks like there'll be a rush on floral brooms now Dons. Hope Woolworths put you on their profit share list!

    I just don't know how you find all this wonderful stuff. That plate is great - so is the Scottie dog's all brilliant!

  11. Your broom is the most beautiful one that I have ever seen too!....There aren't so many Woolworths around any more...think my nearest is in Bristol...

  12. I love your finds. I bought the dustpan and brush last week from Woolies and it's so pretty. Didn't see the broom though!

  13. Talking about Woolworths (we were, weren't we?) when I was in Australia I noticed that Woolies is big business over there.
    They have whole Woolworths dedicated to selling booze, or food or other things. They've taken a different direction from us.
    I love seeing the differences between various places in the world, even with mundane things like this.

  14. Wow--what great finds. That's a lot of rick rack. And so much pink! cool!

  15. Anonymous12:38 AM GMT

    Wish we had great things like pink floral brooms here in the U.S. -- I would be jumping up & down, too! The colors here for everything is so blah & masculine...seems like you in the U.K. & AU have prettier colors & florals and better vintage items & vintage-like items...


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