
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lovely Day

Had a lovely day yesterday. I went to a textile fair in Ilminster to buy more fabrics. It was a beautiful sunny day, after a rather foggy start. The first person I saw was the lovely Liz who was standing at her stall talking to Niki! What a great start. I bought heaps of beautiful fabrics, hand painted French buttons, trims, quilts and some French embroidered laundry labels. I have put a selection of these below. I managed to resist buying a rather lovely wax head.

All of the above can now be found in my updated shop

I then met up with Sue Niki and Niki's friend Debbie and we all went for coffee in the lovely cafe they have at the Meeting House. We made sure we took some photos to commemorate the blog meet (mine came courtesy of Niki as I had left my camera in the car!) with all of us saying 'Fabric' instead of 'Cheese'.

Niki bought along a beautifully wrapped present for me. Inside was this lovely piece of fabric, which will be going in with my put-away-and-stroke fabrics! It was such a lovely gift, so me, thank you Niki.

After a bit of refreshment we hit the town's charity shops where we all got a few more goodies. I found more fabrics, some vintage children's books and a couple of old dress patterns from Fenwicks.
Back to the Meeting House to pick up our goodies, another cup of tea and then goodbyes. It was a really lovely day, meeting lovely ladies, and made even lovelier for me as I got to go alone, without any children, utter bliss!


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM GMT

    That sounds like an excellent day! I wish I was there too. the pic is great, you all look beautiful!

  2. You did well picking out those fabrics, I would've gone for those or something similar too :-)

  3. Sounds like a perfect day. I love the things you bought - especially the buttons. Mary

  4. Hi Donna

    It was super to meet you at last yesterday and to have a giggle and some serious shopping in good company!! Perfect recipe for a day out.

    I'll post my photos later. I can understand now why you felt you needed to collect your car to load up your goodies!

    Hope to catch up again soon.

    Sue xx

  5. Hi Donna,
    Sounds like you had a lovely, and very successful day.
    I love the french buttons - very chic!
    I've finally got around to adding your blog link to my blog, hooray!
    How is your littlest sprogglet? keeping you busy I hope!
    Victoria x

  6. What a lovely outing! You vintage girlies have just about converted me to your sinister sect... if only there were a few more hours in every day....sigh!

  7. Hi Donna, I had such a lovely day, it was great to meet up with you again.
    You found some fabulous fabrics - how did I miss those?!! - I know I was chatting too much!! hehe!
    Thanks again for my pressie. Hope to bump into you again later in the year,
    Love Niki x

  8. Donna - finally got around to sorting out my sidebar - popped you on in a couple of guises (better late than never) - let me know if you want to be in different categories.
    I am trying to keep away from antique shops/sales etc. at the moment - we are getting work done on the house this summer and I have to clear the attic and the garage and find somewhere to store the boxes.
    And my mum is beginning to make noises about the fact I left home 20 years ago and still have all their spare wardrobes stuffed with costume.
    Hmmmm - your trawl looks lovely though,

  9. Sounds like you had the perfect day! Love everything you found too - you seem to be very good at finding these treasures!
    Have a good weekend
    Kim x

  10. you really are the Queen of vintage bargain goodies, aren't you?

    sinister sect, hahaha, Antipo is so funny.

  11. Hi Donna thanks for the comment on my blog. Good to have confirmation about the duvet cover. I never knew CK started with Ikea! Have a good weekend (is it Cava, choc and mags again??) Mary x

  12. Oh what a wonderful way to spend a day!!! Georgous fabric and I really love the monogramed tape.

  13. lush stuff Donna, I REALLY liked the pink brush earlier. Your buttons are fab too

  14. my nan had an old quality street tin full of ancient and pretty buttons. i used to sniff them. have i told you that before. wish i'd kept them and i would have sent them to you

  15. Sounds like a lovely day Dons. Lovely stuff.

    I'm interested in what YOU are wearing in that photo actually Donna! Looks like that spotty Boden dress with something underneath it...except it can't be the spotty Boden dress because it doesn't come in doubt it's something 'vintage'! (you'll probably tell me it's Primark now won't you!) (btw I think Primark is brill!)

  16. Hahaha, I think it's Monsoon the dress and I saw it.. Primark is brill isn't it Dons, when are you next going to the big one in Exeter? Love that last fabric, I found some today at the puce :-)

  17. Nope you are both wrong, it's an H&M dress. I bought it with you Tats last time you were here and I now have 2, one in blue. It's my favourite little smock dress which I wear over cropped jeans or leggings.

  18. What lovely 'stuff'!

  19. Anonymous2:00 PM GMT

    You guys had such a wonderful time. The fabrics you found are fantastic, great, great finds Donna.

    Cherry xx

  20. What a terrific day out, and you really scored on all your purchases. Great finds. I'm sure you came home with a nice feeling of satisfaction for a job well done.
    How's North Devon these days? Has spring arrived yet? It's still cool here, I'm patiently waiting for my daffodils to bloom.

  21. Hi Donna

    I've just got home from doing TWO carboots today. Up at 5.45 for the first one, and then moved on to the second. Never done that before! In fact I haven't done a carboot for about 2 years! Both were busy and I got rid of loads of surplus stock (including a good bundle to Niki!), and had about 5 minutes at the end to go hunting. I came home with an overlocker which cost me the grand sum of £4. It has instructions, so hopefully I'll be able to work out how to use it! Other than that I bought a few plants for Mum's garden and that was about it, so nothing to photograph really.

    Sue xx

  22. Anonymous10:52 PM GMT

    LOVE the fabric under the first set of buttons. Are you going to sell it on your website?

  23. primark? i cant imagine a lady of your ilk would shop there surely?

  24. Yeah Pod, really, me? in Primark? How very dare you RW!

    (actually it's pretty cool to shop in Primark these days, who would have thought it?!!)

  25. Gosh you are so pretty, your hair is so lovely and your skin so smoothe.


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