
Monday, May 14, 2007

Milly Molly Mandy

I am currently reading the books of Milly Molly Mandy to my little boy as his bedtime story. I wasn't sure if he would like them as he is a biff, bang, pow, boysie-boy who is into Pokemon, Star Wars and all things Raaaaaargh! But he loves them. The wonderful stories of MMM, Billy Blunt, Little-friend Susan and Miss Muggin's niece Jilly. I am also enjoying rediscovering them. This copy is from 1946!

I used to trace my finger round this map plotting little journeys for MMM and her friends, lost in their magical innocent world where you could wander down to the village without fear of being taken away.

(click on photo to enlarge)

I think this picture may have been the early inspiration for my shop!


  1. OMG, you just took me 30 (or even 35!) years back into my past!

    It feels very very strange indeed!

  2. I've been reading these with Amy (found a lovely set in the oxfam shop) and it really is a trip down memory lane. I can definitely see that you might well have been inspired at an early age by that wonderful shop!

  3. Well, MMM isn't part of my past (sadly) but I did read them to my youngest and they are great.

    That map reminded me of the map of the 100 acre wood in Winnie the Pooh - I used to do the same thing as you with that map - it was like a familiar and yes, safe place.

    THey don't do enough maps for kids these days! Has Harry Potter got one?

  4. Oh I love MMM and little friend Susan, what japes they had! the books from my childhood were so lovely! wasnt the little white house with the thatched roof just your ideal home? Thanks for reminding me Donna,I think I shall hunt them down for Lucy.

  5. I used to love to copy that map when I was a wee girl. That bought back memories. I always wanted hair like MMM!

  6. Oh I love Milly Molly Mandy and her little friend Susan!...I have the books too! I so wanted to live in their village and be her friend!

  7. Ha, that is just like your fabric room!

    Allison x

  8. Lovely thoughts - bedtime stories. Trouble was I used to fall asleep in the middle of the story - lol. Mary

  9. wonderful! i LOVE MMM, oooh thats so nostalgic.

    hope you are ok honey.

  10. I knew I'd seen your workroom before - and now I know where!! Sue xx

  11. Wow, that's so sweet.

  12. Just discovered your blog and OMG how I LOVE MMM!! I don't know anyone else who even remembers her :)

  13. Anonymous1:03 AM GMT

    You just brought tears to a 55 year-old-woman's eyes mentioning MMM - I was born in England but have lived in America since I was 18 - I crave MMM, Noddy and just anyone I can talk to about my childhood readings. I'm glad I discovered your website - thank you, thank you, thank you for sounding so British!

  14. Oh I remember wandering along the lanes on that little map in my mind, pretending I was in the village, going to the shop or to visit Billy or Little Friend Susan ... Lovely memories!

  15. What a coincidence.. I had just put Milly Molly Mandy in to Google search.. and here I am.
    I love these books..they are timeless and great classics.

    Michele x


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