
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring Sale

(Click on invite to enlarge)

The date has been set and the invites printed up, now all I have to do is post them off and get ready for my first open house sale! I'm so excited. As well as vintage textiles and homewares I am going to have tea and cakes served in the kitchen so that hopefully I get to socialise a little with my customers. So, what are you waiting for, book that time off, plan a weekend in North Devon and come visit me!


  1. Oh Donna, I so wish I could get down for this, if only I drove...and even sorrier to read about your umphness...I wondered where you had gotten to. I seem to remember Topsham as being very nice, I am sure I had an elderly aunt who lived there years ago.
    Do you ever sell bags of scraps?

  2. Hi there...
    I've just been browsing at your website and it is fab! :O)

    I so wish I could pop down for your sale, but I shall be dumping my children off in Wales that weekend.


    Take care...


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