
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mid Season?

'Next' have their mid season sale on. Can someone please tell me what season we are mid way through? Have we had spring yet? Isn't it still winter? Did British Summer Time begin today? How did we get through the last 3 months so quickly? I'm confused!

Spring brings lots of birthdays to this household. Both my mother and I gave birth to our babies in spring which makes it a busy time for this family. My 'baby' turned 3 last week. She has grown from a lovely easy going baby to an adorable little pickle of a girl, ready to embrace anything life throws her. She makes me laugh so much and must tell me at least 20 times a day that she loves me, usually very loudly when out and about, which makes everyone around us smile. She's the best little surprise I could ever have hoped for.

I had a visit from my lovely friend Amanda. This time she brought her youngest son, Elliott, to stay. Alfie was in his element and they were inseparable for 3 days. In fact Alfie loved having him to stay so much that he hid Elliott's shoes on the morning of their departure thinking that this would prevent them from leaving. We only discovered this after Alfie had gone to school and, as the shoes has been neatly lined up with the others in our hallway earlier that morning, we guessed what had happened. Luckily mummy knows his special places and I found them fairly easily!

I am busy getting ready for my sale next week. I have soooooo much stuff to sell. I think I will have to start planning my summer sale straight away! I might be a bit busy for the next few days so I won't be around to post but I will be back with photos and a report of how it all went. Wish me luck!

Oh I see blue skies outside. The bootsales are on! Hoorah, catch you later


  1. Hi Donna, yes it took me several months to work up the courage to use the wallpaper, sometimes I'm quite happy to have something like that in my possession without necessarily doing anything with it. Your pics of the sale items are very mouth-watering, sadly I shan't be able to make it, I could cry about that, but I hope you have a really successful day.
    best wishes,
    Lucy x

  2. xxxHappy Birthday!!!!xxx

    Awwwww... It's been so lovely to see her growing up. It seems like only a few months ago she was a baby!? She's always been so beautiful.

    There aren't many children that make me feel soppy when I see them!!! :O)

    Yes...Good Luck with the sale. (Is it an 'end of season' sale?)

    The items look lovely. They'll be snapped up!


  3. Hi Donna, What lovely birthday celebrations you have had! Sorry I can't make it to your sale - good luck, I'm sure it will be a super success! Clare x

  4. (sobs) Please don't post any more pictures like that, they are driving me crazy! :) Oh God, that little floral chest is to die for...maybe if I start walking now...

  5. hi donna.
    well, the temperature at least seems to be behaving in a spring-like way at the moment, at least in london. i don't trust it tho

    happy birthday lovely lizzie!
    good luck with all the work/sales

  6. hi Donna..these sales are all over the place are'nt they? mid season,end of season,new season! gone are the days of the January sales and one summer sale..must be the internet affecting the high street.
    Loved the shoe hiding story, I can remember one of mine doing something similar..I was frantic though! It was tucked behind the headboard of all places!
    Happy birthday to your adorable little girl and best of luck with your spring sale!

  7. Hi Donna

    So sorry to have missed your sale - especially after seeing all those lovely photos. But I'll certainly aim to be at the next one - your early/mid/late summer/season sale!!!

    Glad it went so well. Congrats.

    Sue xx

  8. Hi Donna,
    It looks like your gorgeous little pickle had a very special day!

    Hope your sale went fabulously well too. (If the lace is still available, please let me know!)

    Niki x

  9. Hello Donna! hope you are well and happy,lovely pics,your little pickle is just gorgeous!

  10. Hi Donna
    sorry I missed your sale. My daughter needed collection from Southampton on the Saturday - which was the only day I could make. I do hope I can come to your next one - hope it was a success
    Mary x

  11. well the knitted slippers can be worn all year through, so that's one less thing to fret aboot!

  12. Oh so much going on, how did the open house go? Looking forward to hearing all about it, only sad I could not make it in person.
    The little 'pink' birthday looks adorable. The thread box is to die for!!!
    Take care Donna.

  13. Hi Donna you have not posted for a while, just checking all is OK?


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