
Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I have a lovely article in this month's Sewing World. It was written by Kate Hopper, a lovely young journalist who came with her husband to my sale. She writes for several sewing magazines and has a fondness for vintage fabrics. I am collaborating with her on another article she is writing and have become her 'vintage fashion expert'.

(click on photos to enlarge)

I also had a mention in Wallpaper Magazine. They sent a photographer out to photograph my nautical fabrics and wanted 'nothing country, nothing twee'. Hmmm, a bit hard that. She had her work cut out. Although the mention is great I don't like the 'dizzy florals' comment much. This is the second time I have been criticized for having too many florals on my website. I make no apology for having them. I love florals, I sell bucketloads of florals and there will always be a huge amount of florals on my website, so there!

I have a mention in this Saturday's Express Magazine too, wonder what they will say?


  1. Hi Donna

    What a wonderful write-up, and super photos. I would imagine you'll be inundated with orders after that. Not so impressed with the dizzy florals comment - how rude!!!

    Hopefully see you in August at Honiton.

    Love Sue x

  2. Well done to Donna for all the excellent coverage (HA! No pun intended) Poo Poo to Wallpaper! Very shallow and blinkered of them. Thank heaven there are people like you to transcend the latest 'trendy' and offer treasures which might otherwise have been completely lost to the latest season's makeover!

  3. Well done Donna - great to see you in print again - you little 'vintage fashion expert' you!
    Where would we be without cheerful floral fabrics to add colour to our homes and creations?
    Wallpaper magazine wouldn't like my home one little bit!!!
    Niki xx

  4. Brilliant that you're coming to the Flea. Shall look forward to seeing you - I'll be indoors as always!

  5. Hi Donna

    The Sewing World article looks super!

    What no florals?!! Glad you are totally ignoring that crazy criticism - viva la florals I say!!

    Clare x

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM GMT

    congrats on all the great news!

    - roxy simmons

    p.s. can't seem to log in to my old account - have to be 'anon' till i figure it out.

  7. Dizzy florals? how very dare they! I for one love your 'dizzy' florals.
    Great articles though,Paula Yates was one of my idols in the 80s too, I thought she looked fabulous.

    ps. glad to hear the news about your lovely house coming off the market..I dont think I could have left such a beautiful place either!

  8. that's typical of the pretentious folk at wallpaper.
    hope all is well chez donald!

  9. Lovely article about your passion for fabrics.
    Ignore Wallpapers comment...obviously they are 'behind the times' and need to realise that we don't all have the same boring taste as theirs.
    Anyhow, at least they gave you publicity!


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