
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Soggy Sunday

Because the weather has been so awfully wet this summer many of the bootsales I usually attend have been cancelled. This happened today, despite the fact that today was actually sunny but I think the field was too wet to use. I hate it when I drive past the field and see no cars in it, it makes me very sad. Mum and I drove past today fully expecting to see it being set up but when it wasn't we decided to go to the recycling centre to cheer ourselves up. I always find some interesting things there and today was no exception. For £5 I picked up a 1950's leatherette chair (very comfortable) and a vintage cash register! It has a cheery bell that rings each time you ring up a purchase and will be great for using at my sale in a few week's time.

So all's well that ends well and I spent a whole lot less than I usually do on a Sunday!


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM GMT

    i'm so jealous of your rain. it's up in the 90s again here. want to swap?

    90F makes for very puffy pregnant feet.

    - saff

  2. Hi Donna, love the old still! I'm so sad I will be missing your sale - I'm coming to the Uk 7-21 September, let me know if you get in to London!

    Allison xx

  3. Love your two new T.R.E.A.S.U.R.E.S!
    And both for £5.00?!
    Why can`t I find Treasures like yours!
    Here, the same thing as been happening to my local car boots.
    I`m not a happy chick!
    Rain, Rain...
    Please go away!
    Kisses & Hugs
    Debbie Moss

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM GMT

    I do know what you mean about the weather. So many events are cancelled. Still, you found some great buys; I particularly love the cash register!

  5. Hi Dons! You have a great eye for a bargain! Fancy an old working cash register. The children would enjoy playing with it too (much better than Early Learning Centre!)

    Your work room is absolutely amazing - you have SO MUCH STUFF!

    Good luck with the sale.

    xxxx Rambling xxx

  6. Hi Donna, I would so loved to have made your sale, I had had some fab buttons from your site in the past and was delighted with them, I like web shopping but much prefer to see and feel, the till is amazing it would be worth coming just to see and here it working.
    New blogger Jan

  7. Hi Donna,
    Hope the preparations are going well for your sale. I'm sure we must be due for some sunshine in September!!
    Its been awful this year for car boots hasn't it? - luckily one near me has an under-cover option, so it isn't usually a wasted trip like yours was. At least you found two great items anyway.
    Love Niki x

  8. wow- how cool! I am always so impressed by clever ladies who hunt down such amazing things. The cash register is Fabulous!

  9. I love that till...what a great idea to use it in the sale. Now I want one too!
    Carol x

  10. what brill finds, I adore the till...


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