
Monday, October 06, 2008

Vintage Fashion Fair

Yesterday was the vintage fashion fair in Exeter. Organised by Blind Lemon Vintage, this event is a must for vintage fashion fans and I was glad to see lots of familiar faces and meet new vintage-loving friends. Lizzie was there with Bronia and an old school friend of Lizzie's, Aline, who had a stall

Lizzie and Aline in front of Aline's stall

Here I am with the stunning Shabby Chick, Amanda and the lovely Lizzie. My hair looked pants as I was just off to Toni and Guy for highlights and hadn't washed my hair that morning!

The lady on the left of this photo is the glamorous GOW aka my Mum who was pulling along my trolley. I bought this for £3 at a bootsale, it is originally from Ikea but as our nearest Ikea is a 2 hour drive away I didn't ever see them in store. It was the subject of much trolley envy among the ladies at the fair!

These are some of my purchases

Vintage children's patterns

One with the unPC title 'adaptable for chubbies'!

A lovely couple of Polish dolls

Great fabrics

Toffee tin for storing buttons

French fabric drawers

and some wonderful children's fabrics

Including my favourite, a piece of fabric from Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree


  1. 'adaptable for chubbies'

    I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but do a silent little giggle to myself.

    Yes, GOW looks fab!:)

  2. Hello Donna..
    ~Thank you for your lovely comment recently!
    You have really whetted my appetite for the Blind Lemon Fair in Bristol next weekend..It will be a chance to say Hi to Lizzie again and buy some of those gorgeous vintage items in your photos.
    Love that fabric too.. so evocative!
    Michele x

  3. Great to see you Donna & thanks you for the lovely comments. It was a great fair... so friendly & fun!

  4. oh yes, and I bought the totally mad skiing doll as seen on the middle shelf of the wonderful stall with all the 60's toys on it!

  5. What a fabulous day out you had and the Enid Blyton fabric is to die for. All of those lovely things is one room.....heaven!
    How is Elizabeth getting used to using her full name?!! How funny they are. My daughter always tells anyone that calls her 'Immy' in no uncertain terms that her name is Imogen!! Great name by the way! My middle name is Elizabeth and how I wish my mother had called me Elizabeth instead of Jane!!!

  6. Anonymous9:42 PM GMT

    Lovely to see you yesterday and great that you made such fab purchases.
    Many thanks for the flattering time I'll try to live up to it and atleast wear a posh frock or something, ready for that naughty little camera of yours!!!
    Hope your 'hair do' went well...piccie please!
    Lots of love
    Amanda (the actually pretty 'Shabby' Chick!) xxx

  7. Hey! Thanks for the 'glamorous' Sweetie,
    and I'm glad to be a prop for your funky trolley - anytime .........


  8. Lovely to read your post Donna and great to see all those glamorous girls!
    The Enid Blyton fabric is sooo pretty - great buys!
    Niki x

  9. Looks like fun Dons. And I can vouch for GOW being very glamorous! Alan thought she was most attractive :-)

    I wish there was more going on down this way and that we lived closer to each other. Maybe one say eh?


  10. Oh my all that eye candy...your hair looked fab by the go to all the best places:-)

  11. Anonymous3:21 PM GMT


    I admire your blog and your decision to make your hobby your career. I too at the moment are thinking of a big life change and leaving the big city to run my own dream would be a modern haberdashery with a small tea shop...but anything creative, with 'vintageness', original, textiles...the list goes on forever. But how do you pull together the guts to leave the safety net? I won't ask you if it's worth it because you clearly love your career which is wonderful!

    Vintage Floral and Gingham

  12. Anonymous9:02 PM GMT

    haha, i saw that trolley in the first picture and thought it must be mum's, or that she'd definitely be buying it, i do know how much she loves a good trolley! i was nearly right.

    - saff

  13. Looked as if your credit card hasn't been crunched as so many others appear to have been! Your area has some great place to get vintage stuff - anyone want to recommend others?

  14. Hi Donna

    Thanks for your sweet comments. Glad you had such a good time at Blind Lemon. I hope I'll get to one of those one day.

    Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

    Sue xx

  15. Again I am green with envy that you have gone to a fabulous vintage fair.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that stall with all the little bits and pieces in the little bowls. I would have been happy rootling through that lots for hours and hours.

    I'm a simple soul!

  16. Ooh that Faraway Tree fabric! I don't know what I'd do with it, but it is lovely! Although the greyish one above it looks interesting...

  17. I love your fabrics and your lovely blog!
    I missed the Blind Lemon Vintage fair this time..hope to be there next time though,to look around all of that gorgeousness!!;-)


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