
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Giveaway

Ok folks, as promised here is the second giveaway. This time it is one of Cath's Xmas bags for Tesco filled with goodies.

For those of you who aren't crafty please do not be put off. I haven't decided what to fill the bag with yet and will only decide once the name has been pulled from the hat. I will then familiarise myself with your blog and your interests and will fill it accordingly so that it will be something you like.

To add a little interest tell me what you would like to see in your stocking on Christmas morning and pop your name in the hat. I will ask Miss Elizabeth to do the honours on Friday 5th December.

Good luck x

* Update* Lizzy will be drawing the name out on Saturday 6th December as I am away on the Friday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

And the winner is ...............

Lizzy pulled the name out of the hat and was so delighted to do it that she wanted to pull out another, and another, and another! So I have decided that as it was so much fun for all I will do it again. Come back in a few days time and I will have another goodie bag to give away.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Please can anyone help?

I have decided to have linen curtains made up for our living room once it is decorated and now need 30 metres of fabric. Ikea do a great natural linen for £3.99 which is an amazing price. The trouble is I don't live near an Ikea. My nearest one is a 21/2 hour drive away in Bristol but they don't stock it! Is anyone going to an Ikea soon? If so would you be willing to pick up and post some fabric to me? I would be so very grateful and would make it worth your while! Drop me an email or leave a comment with yours if you can help, thank you.

Don't forget to leave a comment on the last post, if you haven't already, for the great Cath Kidston bag full of vintage loveliness.

* Update - The following stores have it in stock - Warrington, Croydon, Edmonton and Milton Keynes. If anyone is going near one of the aforementioned branches please let me know *

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gossip and a Giveaway

Where oh where does the time go? I have been so busy that I haven't had time to blog and now I have so much to tell you. You might as well go and get yourself a cuppa and a biscuit or two and settle down, it's a long one!

Firstly, thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my last post. I am genuinely touched by your kindness. I have never thought that my home was good enough to be in a magazine. Sure it looks impressive from the outside, but really it is a big old scruffy (and often messy) family home and is a work-in-progress. There is so much to be done still and all I can see are the problems. It's hard to see the beauty of this house at times. Also, as we were supposed to be moving out of here I had spent a long time emotionally detaching myself from this house. Now we are to carry on with our renovations I am falling in love with it all over again and seeing those photos reminded me why I bought the house in the first place, I could see us here at Christmas. The living room you saw pictured is just about to undergo a huge makeover. Paul is away for 2 weeks in Australia and when he comes back it is to be gutted and redecorated. One month before Christmas I hear you say? Hmmmm, I am assured that it will be done in time. Watch this space!!!!

Apart from 25 Beautiful Homes I have also been featured in the Secret Directory which is attached to this month's Vogue, under Q for quilts. Not sure why they have put me there instead of under F for fabric but mine is not to question why and, hey, this is Vogue after all. Never did I think I would be in Vogue!

My fabrics were used for Christmas decorations and stockings in this month's BBC Homes and Antiques magazine. I love what they have done with them and it has inspired me to make some myself (if I ever get a moment!). They are my fabrics after all!

Last week I was so lucky, I won these beautiful cards from Claire in her giveaway. I NEVER win anything so I was delighted. Aren't they beautiful? I love them so much that it is going to be hard to give them away.

While we are talking about the talented and lovely Claire, here is my new ad that you may see in textile and sewing publications designed by Claire. Isn't it yummy? Seriously she is dead clever. As well as this ad, the logo she designed has been made into stickers, postcards, business cards, a rubber stamp
and fridge magnets and they all look so beautiful.

On now to other publications that I want to tell you about. Firstly there is the new magazine Sew Hip, a long overdue magazine for us funky sewing chicks. Edited by Manda of TreeFall Design it features contributions from Amy Butler, Alicia Paulson, Becca Hector-Clark and Alice Bloor. It's beautiful, gorgeously photographed and I recommend it thoroughly. I am looking forward to the next edition already.

Another fabulous book and one I cannot recommend enough has been written by my friend and fellow blogger Niki. Living with Nostalgia is beautiful beyond belief, truly, every page is stuffed full of the most delicious images that you almost want to lick them! She has published this book through Blurb and, although the shipping costs from USA make it expensive, it is worth every penny. With Christmas coming up you could put it on your present list. She is such a talented lady and it is the BEST book I have ever seen about vintage living. Well done Niki, you are a star! If you want a preview go here.

I have managed to cram in some creativity at last. I am making the obligatory crocheted blanket. It's de rigueur in Blogland! I am starting with a striped one made from Rowan cottons as many of our family members are allergic to wool. I taught myself to crochet and want to progress on to the ripple blanket. I love sitting by the fire with this (now huge) blanket drapes over me as I add row after row. The best part is choosing the next colour to add. My friend Amanda came to stay and was fascinated with it and begged me to teach her. She is now obsessed with crochet and is making a dog blanket. Her husband sent me an email saying I have ended his marriage, hahaha!

As well as Paul being away for 2 weeks my Mum is off the the USA for just over 3 weeks to see my sister. She has just had her first baby, a little girl named Olivia. It will be weird having 2 of my main people so far away for so long.

So, in honour of little Livvy's arrival, I am having a giveaway. I am giving away a Cath Kidston for Tesco bag stuffed with vintage fabrics, buttons, trims and goodies. Just leave me your name and a comment to be put in the hat for the final draw and one lucky winner will have a vintage goodie bag coming their way. The draw will take place on Friday 21st November so get your comments in before then to be in the running. Good luck x