
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gossip and a Giveaway

Where oh where does the time go? I have been so busy that I haven't had time to blog and now I have so much to tell you. You might as well go and get yourself a cuppa and a biscuit or two and settle down, it's a long one!

Firstly, thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my last post. I am genuinely touched by your kindness. I have never thought that my home was good enough to be in a magazine. Sure it looks impressive from the outside, but really it is a big old scruffy (and often messy) family home and is a work-in-progress. There is so much to be done still and all I can see are the problems. It's hard to see the beauty of this house at times. Also, as we were supposed to be moving out of here I had spent a long time emotionally detaching myself from this house. Now we are to carry on with our renovations I am falling in love with it all over again and seeing those photos reminded me why I bought the house in the first place, I could see us here at Christmas. The living room you saw pictured is just about to undergo a huge makeover. Paul is away for 2 weeks in Australia and when he comes back it is to be gutted and redecorated. One month before Christmas I hear you say? Hmmmm, I am assured that it will be done in time. Watch this space!!!!

Apart from 25 Beautiful Homes I have also been featured in the Secret Directory which is attached to this month's Vogue, under Q for quilts. Not sure why they have put me there instead of under F for fabric but mine is not to question why and, hey, this is Vogue after all. Never did I think I would be in Vogue!

My fabrics were used for Christmas decorations and stockings in this month's BBC Homes and Antiques magazine. I love what they have done with them and it has inspired me to make some myself (if I ever get a moment!). They are my fabrics after all!

Last week I was so lucky, I won these beautiful cards from Claire in her giveaway. I NEVER win anything so I was delighted. Aren't they beautiful? I love them so much that it is going to be hard to give them away.

While we are talking about the talented and lovely Claire, here is my new ad that you may see in textile and sewing publications designed by Claire. Isn't it yummy? Seriously she is dead clever. As well as this ad, the logo she designed has been made into stickers, postcards, business cards, a rubber stamp
and fridge magnets and they all look so beautiful.

On now to other publications that I want to tell you about. Firstly there is the new magazine Sew Hip, a long overdue magazine for us funky sewing chicks. Edited by Manda of TreeFall Design it features contributions from Amy Butler, Alicia Paulson, Becca Hector-Clark and Alice Bloor. It's beautiful, gorgeously photographed and I recommend it thoroughly. I am looking forward to the next edition already.

Another fabulous book and one I cannot recommend enough has been written by my friend and fellow blogger Niki. Living with Nostalgia is beautiful beyond belief, truly, every page is stuffed full of the most delicious images that you almost want to lick them! She has published this book through Blurb and, although the shipping costs from USA make it expensive, it is worth every penny. With Christmas coming up you could put it on your present list. She is such a talented lady and it is the BEST book I have ever seen about vintage living. Well done Niki, you are a star! If you want a preview go here.

I have managed to cram in some creativity at last. I am making the obligatory crocheted blanket. It's de rigueur in Blogland! I am starting with a striped one made from Rowan cottons as many of our family members are allergic to wool. I taught myself to crochet and want to progress on to the ripple blanket. I love sitting by the fire with this (now huge) blanket drapes over me as I add row after row. The best part is choosing the next colour to add. My friend Amanda came to stay and was fascinated with it and begged me to teach her. She is now obsessed with crochet and is making a dog blanket. Her husband sent me an email saying I have ended his marriage, hahaha!

As well as Paul being away for 2 weeks my Mum is off the the USA for just over 3 weeks to see my sister. She has just had her first baby, a little girl named Olivia. It will be weird having 2 of my main people so far away for so long.

So, in honour of little Livvy's arrival, I am having a giveaway. I am giving away a Cath Kidston for Tesco bag stuffed with vintage fabrics, buttons, trims and goodies. Just leave me your name and a comment to be put in the hat for the final draw and one lucky winner will have a vintage goodie bag coming their way. The draw will take place on Friday 21st November so get your comments in before then to be in the running. Good luck x


  1. what a lovely giveaway your very kind :-) its horrid when your other half is away :-( good luck with the renovations although your house is beautiful already!
    Lesley x

  2. Before I start this comment I want to say - please do NOT put me in your prize draw, because I am related to you, and we don't want any cries of foul play, do we?

    So, what I really want to say is how much I enjoyed reading your blog entry - I always look forward to seeing what you're going to write about next.....

    And I shall miss you so much while I'm away.


  3. I love your blog and the little baby feet in this post :) You've got so many lovely goodies! I would love to win!! Thank you so much and have a wonderful week!

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM GMT

    obviously, don't put me in your draw either lol, but i just wanted to say how sweet of you that was to do that, in honour of little livvy :) what a lovely aunty you are!

    i love your crochet and really would like to learn how to do it properly - i might have to try at some point. the blanket i made in hospital has actually come in very handy - despite people snickering at it! hahah. it's very small and 'rustic', but it works so well as a lap blanket in her car seat. AND it served to help me not going completely bonkers on hospital - at least i can look at it and say that my time in hospital was productive LOL!

    i love your home too - we all had such a great time there last year. mark still says it was one of his BEST chrismases ever. and of course for me 'there's no place like home for the holidays...'.

    you'll have to update me some time on what plans you have for the house - i'd love to hear about it.

    i love reading your blog - keep the posts coming! :)

    love you & miss you,

    saff xxxxxxxx

  5. Awwww... look at those little feet! :O)

    Congratulations Saff!

    One month before Christmas? You are brave. (haha - something like that!?)

    Can't wait to see what you get up to.

    I love your logo too - the ad looks great.

  6. I enjoy the pictures of places and fabric on your blog. Lovely!

  7. Hi Donna
    thanks for your text today, did not have time to reply as i was driving & of course there is no reception here so couldn't do so when I got home! Love your latest blog entry... Good luck with the redecoration... see you soon I hope!
    Lizzie xxx

  8. Love the adorable stockings!!! Can't belive you are gonna redecorate so close to Christmas...very brave indeed!!

  9. I just love so much of what you have featured on your blog. The crochet ripple blanket looks just charming.
    And as for being in Vogue! That mag is my bible.

  10. Anonymous6:17 PM GMT

    I am loving your blog! I love the baby feet photo. So cute!!!

  11. "Congratulations Auntie Donna" - such a delicious little pair of feet! I hope all is OK with your sister and that your Mum has a fabulous time.
    And well done too for having your name in print again - I love the stockings that were made from your fabrics - surely the mag should send them to you as a present!
    Haven't seen the 'Sew Hip!' one - shall have to look out for that (I don't get out much, ha!)

    And THANKS so much Donna for your kind words about my little ol'book! - As you know I was a little nervous offering it for sale, but am thrilled by the positive responses I have received. If I can impress you....

    Good luck with your lovely blanket. And please can I be entered in your giveaway? Thanks!

    Phew...great post Donna. Loved it!
    Niki xx
    (Just re-commenting due to my typo!)

  12. hi Donna,I bought 25 beautiful homes just for a peek at your lovely home..I did the same when Nikkis was in it too, I think it's lovely to see people who you have contact with through blogging and their wonderful homes.. either that or I'm just plain nosy!(I'm so in love with your kitchen by the way)I'll look forward to seeing the 'after' photos of the latest renovations. Congrats on becoming an Aunty and for all the latest features for your fantastic business (I'm often having a mooch on your site!)

  13. I really know what you mean about a your house being a work in progress.I often feel like mine will never be totally finished and it's no where near as grand as yours.I was approached by a well known stylist not that long ago who wanted to do a shoot based on my Flickr photos but I tuened her down.I just feel a fraud when all I show are the good bits! Maybe one day I'll join you in a magazine somewhere!
    I love those baby toes.Seriously there is nothing quite like them is there?

  14. Yes please. Put me in the draw for the goodies and then take my name out of the hat. I'd love a pre Christmas gift ...

  15. Lovely post! A makeover before Christmas? ... brave indeed!! I too have been falling in and out of love with our little cottage for years - it's had so many previous owners, who have all added their bits & pieces to it (some not so well!) - I think now it's just enjoying some tlc!

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway!

    Willow xx

  16. Ooohh - I'm hyperventilating at the thought. Please add me to the hat. I loved the feature on your home - and for what it's worth I think your natural style is what makes it so beautiful.
    Mary x
    PS Congratulations on the new arrival - delicious little feet

  17. I love your blog, it's inspiring and i have to admit to buying 25 Beautiful Homes just to be nosy!!

    The baby toes are so cute, and what a cute name!


  18. a brilliant and interesting blog and with delightful baby feet, so pleased for you that your great fabric buisness (wonderful colours on the Christmas Stockings)and your gorgeous home are being featured in the mags. Vogue as well umm I feel another trip to the newsagent coming on.

    I would love be entered into your giveaway.
    Jan x

  19. Hey Dons,

    Thanks for your comment. When I was looking at the article when you put it up before I thought 'Wow, I've sat in that kitchen - it is as lovely as it looks'

    Would love to see you sometime in the new year.


  20. Wow I would love to win your goody bag!! have a great week!


  21. I've enjoyed seeing your house and fabrics (I have those mags amongst my massive collection!) and am so glad you are getting lots of publicity. Love the crochet blanket, that Rowan cotton comes in some delicious colours. Please enter me in your giveaway, it looks fab...
    Hen x

  22. Ooh, lovely tiny toes! Lovely, lovely!


  23. What a fabulous giveaway. I love the Cath Kidson bags and whatever you put in it would be a bonus. Livvy looks so tiny!!

  24. What a wonderful blog and a great giveaway!

  25. Love those little toes, hope Saff and baby and family are well, so exciting for you all..much love Txx

  26. So much going on on this one!
    Love the cotton crochet project, I do have a little cotton scarf in my 'still to finish' bag!
    God luck with the renovations, looking forward to seeing the finished result.
    Cute little toes.
    I hope the time passes quickly and fruitfully for you while loved ones are away.
    And thank you for a great GiveAway...please count me in.
    Carol xxx

  27. I was so proud when I read the 25 Beautiful Homes article, poor Andy had to hear all about it. (he gets confused with all my blogger friends but he does know about you).

  28. Hi Donna

    I've only just discovered your blog through Niki's blog, (you've also been mentioned on the ShabbyChic Cafe forum) so glad I did, it's really nice. I have a copy of Niki's book, and i agree with you - it's a beautiful book, I really hope it gets picked up by a publisher. Perhaps you could do one too?
    Well done for getting all your media coverage - I wouldn't have the first idea about how to get into magazines!
    Congrats to your sister and what a lovely inspiration for a giveaway!


  29. What a wonderful giveaway! I love your blanket, I am going to have to try and teach myself (again!) to crochet, I really feel I need to know to be a fully paid up blogger! Niki;s book is wonderful isn't it. Congrats on the new niece

  30. Oooh! Cath Kidston!
    Hi Donna,
    Love Olivia's toes!
    best Wishes,

  31. I have drunk a whole pot of tea and consumed a whole packet of biscuits reading this post.. but oh boy.. what a bumper read!
    A belated well done Donna for your continued success in glossy publications..
    Congratulations too on the new member of the family.
    I am very sorry that you can't come to the V & H fair.. but there's always next year..!!!!
    Watch this space!
    Michele xx
    P.s Thank you for your congratulation re: CL... I have a long way to go till I get to Beautiful Homes.. but it's a start.

  32. Anonymous12:12 AM GMT

    What a wonderful giveaway, there is nothing sweeter than vintage fabrics and findings.
    Thanks for the chance.
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  33. How exciting Donna! If you giveaway bag is anything like the bundles I buy from you I know the recipient will be absolutely thrilled with the contents!

    I've had a quick preview of 'the book' and am collecting mine from Niki next week.

    Hope to see you soon!

    Sue x

  34. Anonymous10:44 AM GMT

    Hi Donna, I have just discovered your blog via Nostalgia at the Stone House. Love your photos of your home & fabric collection, here in Australia we don't seem to have the lovely variety of vintage fabrics that you have.
    I have been reading some of your old posts & I am a little jealous that you have attended Janet Bolton's workshops. I am amazed by her work. I have tried tracking down her books here but may have to order them from overseas.
    from Jenny (Melbourne, Australia)

  35. What a fabulous giveaway. I have failed to get hold of any of the Tesco Cath bags so would be happy with that alone, never mind all your scrumptious fabrics! I love the feature using your fabrics in the magazine. Just been making stockings for my shop. Congratulations on the birth of your neice. My Sis just had a little girl, Jocelyn, five weeks ago too. Finally, I think your new website looks great and I love the banner Clare has designed. It's beautiful.

  36. Oh those little toes - I want to cuddle them and what a lovely name. I found oyur website before I even found blogging! This is my favourite bag from the range but forgot to get it when I was dashing in my lunchbreak and lo and behold they all vansihed that day!! That will teach me to prioritise between my tum and a Cath K bag!

  37. Hello Donna, found you through Hen & I would love to enter your give away....I haven't won anything yet but I think I'll be lucky one day! I love your blog....that sewing mag looks good, I'll have to see if I can pick one up. It's good to see someone else from Devon, I'm tracking down loads of people now!! I'll be back, hope you don't mind! :)

  38. Anonymous4:31 PM GMT

    Hi, your house looks so lovely in the mag, gosh you're brave decorating before christmas!!oh and congrats on your new neice..we have a little Livvy in our family, love that name, best wishes Sue

  39. Hi Donna,
    sorry I can't help with the Ikea fabric (there is a store in Cardiff, but it isn't on your list).

    All your magazine mentions look so beautiful!


  40. Oooh, love your blanket! Everyone seems to be making granny square ones but I love that one. Might have to give that a go myself!

  41. I too have been so very busy and haven`t had much time for blogging!
    I suppose everyone is at this time... when Christmas is fast aproaching!
    I can`t wait to see your home featured on 25 Beautiful Homes!
    Good Luck with EVERYTHING!

  42. Hi donna, I dont suppose that you have the pattern for that blanket do you? I LOVE it and would love to give it a go myself! x

  43. I love the colours you've used for your ripple blanket. I would love to make ones of those to keep me warm!

  44. Anonymous11:47 AM GMT

    You are mad decorating before Christmas! My mum and dad used to have that wallpaper and it was about an inch thick with all the paint on it. Was fun to strip off tho' although it took half the plaster in places!!!

    So are you staying in your house now? We're not moving either. So I'm falling in love with my house all over again which is good seeing now it is finished at last!!!! Just wish we had a bigger living room and bigger garden. Still, you can't have everything!

    Love your blanket. I so wish I could crochet. and thanks for the plug. . . always nice to be appriecated!

    and Vogue, eh? how fabulous darling ;-)

    Claire x

    P.s don't enter me for the giveaway as I've got that bag . . lovely isn't it? I saw a lady with the Christmas one the other day . .ooo, I want one!

  45. would I dare to believe I was in with a chance of being a winner.

    Well the main thing is I have found you again, thanks for the lovely email, it made me smile. So good to catch up with you, I have your article, it is so lovely. So much going on at your place...will it really all get done before have inspired me to get the paintbrush out...

    Take Care Donna and lovely to have you bookmarked again.

  46. Anonymous8:33 AM GMT

    oh yes ... please count me in! that looks like a wonderful bag of goodies! and nice feet too
    thank you!

  47. Donna, wow!
    I don't read your blog for a few weeks and all this happens.
    Your house is gorgeous, I'm not buying that 'big mess thing'.
    I'm thinking lucky thoughts, your scrap bag was fantastic, a bag of goodies like that could keep me going forever.I'll look forward to reading the article when I see the mag.x

  48. Anonymous11:32 PM GMT

    Hi Donna, look at you in all those mags! and congrats on becoming an Aunt. You are going to have a very busy run up to Christmas. I dont know how you will manage with all the work, you must be so organised!Cant wait to see the finished result of the living room. Good luck!

  49. Anonymous3:35 AM GMT

    Happy Birthday Baby!!! Please put me in the drawing!!

  50. Hello, I'm new to the world of blogging and I love your blog!! I'm also new to working from home (trying to turn my love of all things creative into a small business) so it's good to read what other people are getting up to. It's inspiring and kind of makes up for the lack of work colleagues!! I cannot think of a better way to celebrate new beginnings ... new baby, new business, new blogger...than a chance of winning your delightful bag of goodies. Thank you!

  51. tiny, tiny toes - so lovely to see x
    must dash out to buy the magazine and have a snoop :)
    great giveaway too!
    t x

  52. Anonymous5:12 PM GMT

    What a lovely blog, off fora mooch round now!!

  53. Anonymous7:41 AM GMT

    now that is just SO tempting! Materital, as it is known in my life, and a free bag. :0)

  54. Hi Donna, I think I may be too late for the draw (I am catching up on blogs as I have been away in Oxford for a Show). Fingers crossed! Kathy

  55. well poo, too late

    but i love the little baby foot photo, wonderful. sigh.

    if you have time to pop over to mine, you'll see my fab. new vintage-fabric bag...


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